☁Threats pt 2☁

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"Had anyone heard from Yoongi yet, I'm worried about him," Jim stated.

Everyone's phones had gone off earlier this morning and showed a picture of Yoongi and Hoseok.

"No, last I saw from him was last night. But that picture looked like it had been taken this morning," Jeongguk said.

Everyone had piled into Jin and Yoongi's shared room.

"Where do even think they were, and where are they now?" Jimin asked rubbing his eyes and snuggling into Taehyung.

"I've tried calling him, but it keeps going to voice message. He's even read my text but he won't respond," Jin said.

"Hoseok won't answer my calls either. Yoongi's probably telling him to ignore it," Jeongguk said.


Everyone looked and saw Siren walking in.

"Did you guys know Yoongi's mother was outside?" He asked sitting down in between Y/n's legs.

"What do you mean? Is she still out there?!" Jin asked getting ready to get up but stopped when Siren shook his head.

"No, but she asked me if Yoongi was here. I told her no, so I can assume she wants to talk to him about everything."

"It's not even her business what Yoongi does. She always trying to control his life! She makes me frustrated sometimes as well!" Jin exclaimed.

A knock was heard at the door, and Jin got up, going to check.
It was Suran.

He opened the door and she walked in sitting on the bed.

"I got your text, you haven't spoken to Yoongi either?" She asked Jin earning a head shake as he sat beside her.

"I'm so worried."

"What is the big deal anyway. So what if people gossip about Yoongi and Hoseok? It's not that serious," Jeongguk stated.

"You guys just don't get it. It's bad for both of them. Hoseok could be in grave danger by this picture. He was already in danger the moment Yoongi lied saying they were going out," Suran explained.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked.

"If I tell you guys something, you have to swear never to tell a single soul, that includes Yoongi and Hoseok."

Everyone nodded as Suran began to speak.

"Yoongi used to go out with this human, but then he killed himself. At least, that's what they told Yoongi."

10 Years Ago

"Jay? Are you ok?"

No one answered making Suran sigh. She opened the door and peeked in. Jay was lying flat on his stomach with his face on the pillow.

Suran's fist clenched as she walked in and sat on the bed. This was something she had to do.

'I'm sorry Yoongi, but I have to protect my family,' she thought.

"Jay, are you ok?"

He didn't answer.

"Jay, Yoongi, he isn't a bad person. Yoongi would never kill them. He would just drink enough till they passed out. Please, don't be upset with him."

She still didn't get any response from him.

"Dammit! Yoongi is in the hospital because of you! He hasn't eaten in days and it's affecting him horribly. It's all your damn fault."

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