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"Jeongguk, wake up. It's time for class," Hoseok said as he shook Jeongguk.

Jeongguk groaned as he sat up slowly.

"What time is it?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Time for our first class. Get up and get dressed," Hoseok said putting his shirt on. He had class in 10 minutes.

"WAKE UP CALL!" Jin exclaimed, barging into the room.

"Does that door not have a lock?" Hoseok asked out loud.

"It does, I just have a key," Jin answered.

"Why do you have a key?"

"Because I'm the RA. I have a key to everyone's rooms over here."

"Good to know," Hoseok said as he zipped up his pants.

"Why is he still asleep?" Jin asked looking at the sleeping Jeongguk. The poor boy fell asleep sitting up.

"Can you wake him up, I'm late for class!" Hoseok said as he grabbed his bag and went out the door.

Jin walked over to Jeongguk's bed and pulled the blanket off of him. His eyes went wide and he quickly pulled out his phone, taking a picture of Jeongguk's dick, and sending it to Y/n.


"Ok, I want everyone to do a little ice breaker. If you catch the ball, say what species you are."

The teacher threw the ball and some girl beside Hoseok caught it.

"Um, my name is Lisa and I'm a fairy."

She threw the ball and a guy in the back of the class caught it.

"My name is Kai, and I'm a vampire."

The class started laughing as he threw the ball. Hoseok caught it, only because it almost hit him in the face.

"I'm Hoseok and I'm a human."

All eyes turned to look at Hoseok

"A human! Amazing! We don't get many of those around here!" Lisa exclaimed.

"Well Hoseok, I hope you'll like our school. We do our best to make everyone feel welcome."

Hoseok smiled as he threw the ball.


"How were your classes?" Jin asked, sipping on his drink.

"They were ok, people were shocked that I was human," Hoseok answered.

"Same with me, it was crazy," Jeongguk said.

"Of course, they will think like that. This place isn't known for having many humans. Granted that that's what we want, most humans are still afraid," Jin stated.

"Who's afraid?" Yoongi asked sitting down, a juice pouch in his hand.

"Humans. They think that if they come here, something bad is going to happen," Yoongi answered.

"Humans shouldn't be here. I hate this place myself. Coming here is a death wish for some," Yoongi said sipping from his juice packet.

"That's not true, there have never been any human accidents here. At least, not while I've been here," Jin said.

"Exactly, you haven't been here," Yoongi said crushing his juice pouch.

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