The Courthouse (Part 1)

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Cameras flash in my face as the chains around my wrist weigh my arms down. The two armed guards on either side of me have their arms out, keeping paparazzi at bay. Even though there's flashing lights, I keep my head up and keep looking straight forward. I'm not hiding my crimes, I'm not going to cry, even though my lawyer thinks it'll help me. I mean, who wants to see a pretty 20 year old cry about not being guilty.

The problem is, I am guilty, for much more then what people think. They think I'm a person that goes by the nickname "Spider", a name I didn't pick out, but I didn't have the choice. They think I'm a assassin for hire, when I've done much more then a handful of hit jobs that they can link the Spider to. I might of gotten a little cocky when I did earn the name, then I started leaving little fake spiders around the crime scene, mostly to mock the cops that were trying to trail me. In the end, it didn't matter.

Because I wasn't caught because I was cocky, or even anything I really did. It was because someone who knew my face got pissed off at me because I wouldn't sleep with him. He gave them evidence, he gave them my description, and then gave them a general idea of where I would be. He completely and utterly fucked me.

Which is why I walked confidentially into that courtroom, and stood next to my lawyer, a older women with a tight gray bun and cat eye glasses, in a bland gray skirt suit. I have a handful of guards surrounding me as one chains me to the table in front of me, both my hands and feet. Only seconds pass where the judge comes out to the stand and he gets announced. I don't pay attention because it doesn't matter, it doesn't even matter once the case starts.

It only matters when Steven comes into the room, to testify. The short scrawny man in a few sizes to big suit makes his way to the stand, there's sweat on his brow, and a slight tremble to his walk that brings a slow grin to my face.

"Judge Artson, I'm sorry, I'm not feeling..." Steven starts to speak to the judge directly, probably to tell him he was starting to feel extremely ill about now. The poison I asked the man I hired should be acting about now, a poison that will act quickly, and be completely untraceable. The man I asked to do this is called 'The Snake'. And I know, cliche nickname, but he got his from his obsession with poisons.

And the Snake owed the Spider a favor, one she collected on today.

I think it was well worth it to see Steven crumble to his hands and knees, and for him to cough up blood as the room starts to go into chaos.

I'm quickly dragged away, my lawyer pissed as I laugh at the scene in the courtroom. I don't care very much, this case is to big for the feds to drop. Plus my face has been plastered everywhere, essentially making me out of a job. So I didn't care if I would be in jail for the rest of my life, I just wanted to see Steven die.

There's a mass panic, people go absolutely crazy around me. There is a call for a ambulance as the judge is dragged away by some cops nearby, I'm treated the same. I'm just grabbed roughly and jerked around while the cops escorting me push through the panicked crowd. People are leaving, shoving each other like gun shots had gone off. The cops aren't gentle, basically picking me up and storming down the court house, on their radios. I thought they had a cell they could put me in for holding, but they don't. We go straight out the front into the waiting paparazzi.

They weren't expecting us back out so soon, but wasted no time in hauling up cameras and microphones.

Something passes over my skin, something I can't quite explain. Some where between a tingling sensation and wind blowing on my skin. It makes me raise my head to look around, and a pair of shiny sunglasses catch my attention. Mostly because the man in them stands out among the paparazzi. Standing in a full charcoal gray suit, white shirt underneath, he's tall and perfect in every way in my quick glance.

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