(Part 21)

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It only took us a hour to get what I wanted, then to the gas station and fill up the gas canister. We filled it at the small gas station right next to the school, most of the area was clear. Expect for the fact that all the zombies seemed to group around a apartment building at the north side. Anthony and I were slow rolling in the car, I had my map out and was drawing in the buildings we went past. I jumped out a few times to make quick work of some infected.

We went on industrial lane instead of the other two streets, one being the north heading street. I didn't want to deal with a hoard of zombies quite yet. We past a water treatment plant, a selvage yard, a place called 'Tree Products', a mechanic shop, office supplies shop, a hunting and fishing shop, a salvation army and a few unidentified warehouses.

"Oh look Ace Hardware." I say pointing to it. There's a bunch of lumber and a few RV's in the parking lot. Also a good helping of the dead standing near the entrance. "Well have to put that on the list of to go to ASAP."

Anthony makes a humming noise. I've realized that he can hum and grunt, I'd guess its his way of saying yes and no. I point to the road that's ending ahead of us. "Also go left."

"I'm surprised we haven't seen or heard any living people so far." I say as he turns. More auto shops, even a small car dealer and a gas station. Anthony grunts. "Yeah they could be hiding."

This is more of a one sided conversation since he can't sign and drive. He starts to slow down after the turn. I can see two larger buildings on either side of the road and a large congregation of zombies between them. "Hmm, what do you think we should do?"

Anthony side eyes me then rolls his eyes. I look over the scene in front of us, a few of the zombies were making their way over. They were faster, so maybe they only speed up for a few hours? Or maybe these were freshly infected. I couldn't tell. My eyes catch on something and I point. "I will run to that lamp pole, the one not touching all the electric shit."

Anthony turns wide eyes to me and begins signing. "Nope, listen." I put my hand on his. "I can bring their attention away from the lamp post, then run for it. I'll climb it while gaining all their attention. You come in quietly behind and start taking the outer ones out. If they start to turn on you we pull out our guns and you run. They aren't that fast."

'Are your serious?' He asks.

"Yes I am." I open the door before he can sign yell at me. I'm out of the car and across the street to the right, next to what I now know is a bank. I start whistling loudly, the hoard of thirty plus slowly turns to me, the closer ones reaching out and making their way over. I dodge back and forth drawing them from the building that I can see now is a vet clinic. I take out my sword to quick strike a few of the zombies that get a little closer then the others.

When they all seem to run me from the street into the parking long I dash across the road, sheathing my sword. I'd have to clean it and the sheath tonight. I hit the lamp pole, my hands grabbing it up high and my legs wrap around it. Its a lot thicker then most poles I'd climb up, but I manage to squeeze my thighs around it to move my hands up. The pole is only a foot from the building, I could reach out and touch the brick if I wanted.

When I'm almost all the way up movement in one of the windows catches my attention. The curtains move aside to show a older man staring at me with big eyes. Okay, maybe not quite that old. I'd guess forty's, balding and with big rimmed glasses. He looks as shocked as I feel seeing a person on the other side of the window. I bring my hand to my face lifting a finger to my lips and he nods. I point down to the zombies and farther. To where Anthony was outside of the car, crouching and moving through the zombies, knife to the skull with ease. Looking back at the man I can see his shoulders slump, he looks back to me and nods.

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