The first night (Part 17)

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Becca is a good listener, when I hold up my fist and hold a finger up to my lips her she stops moving and doesn't speak. She moves close to me, bat at the ready. I have one of my smaller guns in my left hand and my combat knife in my right. The sword works in small spaces, I just felt more comfortable with something even smaller. When we got into a class room and I cleared it, Becca knew where most things were kept.

We picked out backpacks, pulled out papers keeping lunch boxes and shoved the small jackets she found into them. I found a large tote bag filled with the teachers papers, I dumped it and begin using it for anything useful like the small basic first aid kit and drawer full of candy and snacks. Mato's voice came over the radio. "Spider from Alpha one?"

"Yes sir." I said into the radio, there was a pause before he answered.

"Bravo one is coming with a few others, do you have transport?"

"We have a school bus and a few cars I can hot wire." Most of the cars in this god forsaken place were old pick up trucks. It doesn't take a genius to hot wire them.

"Copy." Mato says.

"What does hens and chicks mean?" Becca asks from stuffing backpacks.

"Hens are adults, chickens mean children." I answer her walking over. The classroom is colorful and almost untouched, like the kids weren't here when shit went down.

"And your code name is Spider?"

"I mean, Lex's code name is Cookie so I guess its your opinion on which is worse." She lets out a snort of laughter at that. We pack the backpacks into a cabinet with wheels, I put the tote in there too. We wheel it to the door of the next room. I go in first.

This room is similar to the last, clearly a art room with things all over the place. These kids had to leave in a rush. We don't find any backpacks but find a lot of cleaning supplies and paper towels. On to the cabinet it went. We only stopped at one more room, opening the door I saw at least six little zombie children all crowded near the window on the other side.

Slowly closing the door I shook my head at Becca. "That's a no from me."

She looked confused but thankfully didn't question me. Rolling the cabinet I made sure not to have it scrape against or run over anything. We parked it in front of the room everyone else is in and I usher Becca into it.

"News?" Lex asks.

"There's a small hoard in the room next to the art room, so I suggest we not get to loud." I said it low so I didn't scare the kids on the other side of the room. Becca's eyes go wide. "Also Bravo one is on the way with a few others, well be able to clear and search soon."

Almost three hours later we were finally back to Brandy Creek. Mato refused to let me and Lex help unpack things, so we were set off in different cars. I had a white pickup I nabbed filled with a few things for Casey and Sarah the next time I saw them.

I pull up to the small trailer, grab the bags and my key ring. I notice a light on inside the trailer, so I look into the window first and sigh. I unlock and enter it to find Casey on the couch, with Sarah on the edge, a arm hanging over it. Both squished together on the small couch it couldn't of been comfortable.

Placing the bags lightly and locking the door wakes up Casey. Her big blue eyes blink at me, I shuck off my backpack. "Oh your back."

"Yes I am, we were out longer then I expected." I said going to the kitchen, Casey sits up slowly and I start washing my hands in the sink. "You should just stay, how did you get in here anyway?"

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