Learning about the end (Part 2)

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I'm put in a visitation room for holding, so for the first time in forever I break out the small mirror from my purse and all my makeup. I had always loved makeup and luckily I was on my way back to my apartment from refilling my makeup stash. I had the basics, and a few sets of fake eyelashes and the shitty glue that comes with them. Oh well.

Maybe I could grab somethings after I'm out. A snort escapes me. I bet the cops had raided and ruined everything in my apartment, and I doubted I had anything left in my bank account. Sure I had other means and a shit ton of money they would never find. But being out on bail isn't being free from their eyes. I'd have to be careful on what I do, more careful then normal. I can't risk everything.

I do what I can with the makeup I have, plus a set of lashes and bright red lipstick. The dark shadow and bright lipstick pop on my pale skin, sure I can tan but if I'm not outside tanning regularly I turn into a ghost. Super white skin with cat like eyes and a large pouting mouth. Most can't place me, most say I'm white or half Hispanic. They are only partially right.

I split my hair down the middle brushing it with a little comb in my purse and tie it tight at the base of my neck in a low pony. I put on my hat, situate my glasses and purse in front of me and wait.

And wait.

And wait some more.

My eyes drift off as I think about all the food I wanted to eat, all the places I wanted to go in the state. I knew I probably would be limited to the state, hopefully I wouldn't have a ankle tracker. Hearing foot steps coming down the hall I slowly turn my head and heard the jingle of keys in the door. When its opened its a different guard, a squat burly man with a big belly barley squeezed into his shirt.

He jerks his head. "Come on Natalie."

I slowly get up, picking up my things so he doesn't freak out. I can see the sweat on his forehead, the way he white knuckles the handle on the door and watches me with beady eyes. The female guard didn't care much about watching me, not seeing me as much of a threat I guess. This guy though, he'd jump at a fast motion.

So I move slowly and relaxed as possible. I wanted to get out of here.

When I get out of the room I'm shocked, its a teenager. Okay. Maybe not a teenager but young. He had to be younger then me, but of age if hes getting me out of here. He's medium height for a normal man, on the lanky side like he did more swimming or running then weight lifting. Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling him scrawny he's just not very muscular. With dark brown hair cut short and large brown eyes I frown at him.

"Come on." The big guy says motioning us, not wanting to walk in front of us. The guy smiles at me with a dimple in his cheek and starts up the trek to the doors down the hall that would lead to the main intake office.

Why is he wearing black cargo pants and a white button down shirt? He even has on black combat boots.

I'm jabbed in the side, big guy had pulled out a baton from somewhere so I hurry to catch up with the mismatched teen.

The both of us have to sign papers, he's allowed his things like his belt and phone before he opens the door to the parking lot and I just look up into the sun. For the time I was in there, I was only allowed short times in the yard where it was completely closed off by fencing.

"I'm Wyatt White." I feel him brush past me, but his steps don't continue.

"I have no idea who you are." I open my eyes slowly to meet his, keeping my head tilted up exposing my face to the sun just a little longer.

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