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   "...I always thought you out of all people would never come visit me, especially step into my humble abode"

   "Well, I don't know if you know this but I am unfortunately currently in charge of watching over you and Joshua to make sure you're not ruining anyone's life" Minghao said with a sigh. "Although, it feels more like babysitting if I do say so myself.."

   "Then why don't you stop doing so if you dislike it so much?"

   "And leave you two running around like kids high on sugar??" Minghao waved his hand around, "No thanks. I'd rather jump into a pit of sharks than let you maniacs loose" He said as he then continued to drink the milk tea he'd brought with him.

   His words caused Jeonghan to roll his eyes and throw himself back on the bed. 

   A few minutes ago, everything was going well. He was leisurely laying down on the bed as he watched a Kdrama and drank hot cocoa. It was as if the world had stopped only for him, that is, until Minghao had bursted into the room and tossed him a Powerade and a chocolate bar.

   What an asshole, he thought as he looked back on the scene. The thing is, he'd appreciate the gesture if said bottle wasn't purposely aimed at his face.

   Now the other was sitting on the chair Joshua had previously sat at as he drank milk tea and spouted nonsense. All this caused Jeonghan to burst out in a audible groan, which brought Minghao's attention to him. 

   "Don't worry, I too don't want to stay here more than I should so I'll make sure to be quick" He said as he placed the tap back on the bottle and calmly laid back on the chair. 

   "..We checked to see if you were hit in the head, you know, so we could find out what had caused you to faint" He spoke. "But to our surprise, there was nothing. No bruise marks, no bumps, nothing"

   A slight furrow grew on Jeonghan's face. "..So?" He said in hopes of hiding the growing anxiousness within him.

   But Minghao feigned ignorance. "So your doctor found a conclusion"

   "Based on what"

   "On events" Minghao clicked his tongue. "When we found you two, Joshua's arm was bleeding, damped in blood as if he'd dipped his arm on it. Of course, we didn't think much of it until the doctor who's in charge of you mentioned something we would never have had thought of"    

   "A conclusion that's too good to just be a suggestion"

   "Whatever it is, I don't want to hear it" Jeonghan said as he turned his attention back to the TV. But Minghao beat him to it and turned it off, causing the black haired male to scoff.

   "You need to answer me, Yoon Jeonghan" Minghao said. "Because if your reluctance brings us trouble in the future, I swear, I will never forgive you"

   At this, Jeonghan narrowed his eyes and remained silent. Minghao, of course, took this as a sign to go on. 

   "Tell me.." He hesitated. "You're." A deep breath. "You're afraid of blood, aren't you? 

   As soon as the words came out of his mouth the air around them tensed. The ticking of the clock soon turned into a lullaby to the suffocating silence that was slowly swallowing the room whole. That is, until Minghao decided to clear his throat and bring the milk tea over to his lips, once again, leaning back on the chair as he did so. 

   "So you are, huh?" He gave out a mocking chuckle. "Isn't it ironic? How a mafia boss, a person who causes suffering just for fun, is afraid of the very thing he creates?"

   Jeonghan's silence ticked Minghao off. 

   "ANSWER ME!" He squeezed the bottle.  "Do you seriously have no shame?!" 

   But all he got as a return was silence.

   "..You're a joke" He said as he stood up and headed towards the door. But before he could even reach it, a sad tone stopped him in his tracks.

   "...It's not that I have no shame, but rather, you speak as if everything that's written in my portfolio paints the whole picture" Jeonghan finally began to say with a sad smile "Even criminals like myself have gone through hell"

   "Don't you dare try to gain my empathy," Minghao said with a tsk. "I know what you've done, I know how much of a monster you can be"

   "Bur, I truly am not" Jeonghan chuckled bitterly then faced Minghao with a toothy smile. "In fact, I hate myself just as much as you do"

   This completely caught Minghao off guard.

   Although the smile he was given was wide and honest, there was something about it that just felt off. As if it was only a facade to hide the pain inside of it. However, even if this were to be true, Minghao could care less. In his eyes, Jeonghan was a killer, someone who didn't deserve mercy. It was a fact he blinded himself with.

   "You're just as pathetic as I thought" He said as he opened the door.

   "Did I reach the expectations?"

   "Of lameness?" Minghao scoffed. "Sadly, you did" He said as he ignored the sad gaze he was met with. "Not as if care though"


   He nodded. "I'll let them know you're fine so they'll probably discharge you at around 5" Then stepped through the door. "By then Joshua would most likely be back from training so he can keep you in check"

   At this, Jeonghan scoffed. "I don't need his help, Hao"
   "Yeah sure, just like I don't need a job to survive"

   And before he could say anything else, Minghao closed the door and yelled from outside. "Goodbye Yoon, make sure to eat your vitamins!"

   "Fuck you!" He heard Jeonghan yell back causing him to burst out in chuckles.

   But as he walked back to his office, Minghao couldn't help but think back at what he'd just witnessed.

   Although the meeting had ended in a lighter manner than he'd expected, there was something about it that he couldn't forget. Throughout the talk, Jeonghan had shown reluctance, sadness, fear, an odd sense of submissiveness. Everything he would've never thought he'd see on him.

   It made Minghao wonder: Who is Yoon Jeonghan? What happened to him? According to the documents he's unmerciful with his victims. But with what he saw today, if you told him Jeonghan was the victim then he'd most likely believe it.

   He couldn't help but let out a frustrated groan.

   What he knew now was that Jeonghan was by no doubt guilty of his actions. That he was a monster even if he was a victim of injustices.

   What he didn't know and would never know, however, was that Jeonghan seemed to think the same thing.


why hello there, it is I, the author

I've been trying to make Jeonghan appear emo for a while now, is it working? 👀

btw, if I ever misspell Minghao it's bc for some reason my keyboard has his name saved as everything except Minghao as well as Monghao like wtf

anyways, yeah, bye ✌️

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