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   "...What are you cooking?"

   "None of your business"

   The answer caused the mafioso to tsk. "You're so annoying, love"

   "You're so annoying, love" Joshua mimicked which caused Jeonghan to roll his eyes.

   It had been two hours ever since he got freed from the infirmary and was allowed to go back into his room. He would've spent the rest of his time aspiring to be a vampire if it wasn't because of the intoxicating smell coming from the kitchen.

   Now, all Jeonghan was doing was stare at Joshua as he placed his chin in the palm of his hand, watching the other move from one side of the kitchen to the other, busy making dinner for, perhaps, the two of them.

   But if he were to be honest, Jeonghan was now starving.

   “I’m so hungry your ass is starting to look appetizing..” He murmured to himself. Unluckily for him, Joshua heard, and then turned around to face him with a knife in the palm of his hand.

   “Touch me and instead of eating my ass I'll turn you into a professional sword swallower. I have a weapon in my hand and I'm not afraid to use it"

   At this, Jeonghan tsked. “I don’t want to hear that from someone who attempted murder and failed miserably”

   “You’re seriously asking to get beat up now, aren’t you?” Joshua rolled his eyes. “What are you even doing here anyways? Weren’t you trying to turn into Dracula a couple of minutes ago or something?”

   The words made Jeonghan scoff. “Funny” He said before he stood up and headed to the kitchen, later leaning on the counter. “Why else do you think I’d be here? I’m starving!”

   “And you seriously thought I’d share my precious food with a jerk such as yourself??” Joshua grinned. “Well too bad! That’d only happen in your dreams you fucking asshole!” He then blew a raspberry.

   “Why you-”

   But before he could even say anything else, a horrid smell filled the air. It wasn’t enticing nor was it in any way something mouthwatering. And if his senses weren’t lying to him, then the smell was actually ash disguised as chicken. Joshua’s shriek confirmed his hypothesis.

   “And this is why I prefer to cook alone..” He said as he glared at Jeonghan. “Because of you and your pretty face my chicken burned”

   “Wow. Sorry, didn't know my beauty was too much of a distraction"

   "Not only that, your pretty little mouth too, dollface" His grin vanished. "Now get out of my kitchen before I decide to starve you to death"

   "Ha, jokes on you, I got Uber"

   For the hundredth time that day, Joshua once again, rolled his eyes. "Your choice" He spat.

   This made Jeonghan grin. "Damn, who hurt you?" He said as he headed to the fridge and opened it. "Throughout the morning you were all like, we're partners, I'll trust you if you trust me. And now you're threatening me with starvation?" He scoffed. "The audacity" 

   But upon receiving no reply back, Jeonghan peeked from one side of the fridge to the other and noticed a worried filled rage was residing within those honey dark orbs.

   This was, of course, enough to make him curious. But at the same time, Jeonghan couldn't help but feel uninterested. Joshua's problems had nothing to do with him, why should he worry?

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