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Her new friends didn't seem too inclined to talk. Kay's hair covered his eyes, making it difficult to guess what he was thinking. Not too lovely thoughts, Akira assumed.

Vana's hands trembled lightly, the only thing that betrayed her feelings. Had she known the boy? It wouldn't be a good idea to ask, so she didn't.

Cenna on the other hand, looked openly shaken. The longer Akira knew her, the more she wished she didn't. The Pantoran seemed so kind and open about everything. They could have been friends in another lifetime. But in this one... Akira knew that to make it into the Academy, and to survive until this point, she had to either have a very high Midichlorian count, therefore power, or proven herself in her abilities.

The easiest way to do that was to prove yourself ruthless. The Sith liked killing machines.

But Cenna couldn't possibly.

Stop it, Akira chastised herself. If she has any secret abilities, you'll find out soon enough.

Right? Right.

They walked at the end of the group, a few meters behind the last Acolytes. Today's lesson wasn't tiring, so no one was as dehydrated as usual. She silently listened to the conversations, coming in one ear and out the other.

"I can't believe she killed him for a demonstration," Cenna muttered. Even she wasn't stupid enough to say it louder than a murmur. Although Skylu was glad she was trusted, the Sith didn't agree at the slightest.

None of them answered.

An angry blush made her cheeks turn purplish. So that's what it looked like on Pantorans. "No one? Really? I can't help that I have to say if something's not right-" Before she could continue, Kay interrupted. 

"We're just trying to stay alive," he snapped, speaking up for the first time. "If you want to, you can't care about anyone else." Akira caught a glimpse of his eyes under the hair. The usual green seemed three shades lighter, almost going into yellow... They were angry, but in a I-hate-this-but-I-can't-do-anything-about-it kind of way. He saw her looking and turned away, hair falling back to cover her view. Hi head was even lower than it was before. 

Cenna didn't answer, apparently lost for words.

"You just can't say things like that," Vana said to her soothingly. Akira took note that the girl neither denied or agreed to the statement. Smart.

Her brain decided to tune out the rest of the conversation. Her ears were already ringing from all the talking that actually involved her.

Akira focused on the ceiling. It was divided into two parts: one that was boring and sand-colored, and one glowing red. But not glowing like it hurts your eyes to look at it directly, just a soft... glow. Shiny black beans connected the hanging nets to the rest of the ceiling.

I'm tired. But that is an architectural masterpiece. The nets are awesome too.

Although she wouldn't tell anyone this, Akira didn't actually like her room. It just wasn't her. The clash of red and blue made her want to jump out of a window sometimes. If... You know... There were windows. After living in Naboo for the first 5 years of her life, she was used to being surrounded by greenery and beautiful colors. Most wouldn't remember that, but apparently her 'gift' as a small Force-sensitive child was to recall places, moments, feelings, people, faces, and the such.

Really useful for an artist, as her teacher said.

Too bad she never got to use that.

It was kind of a curse, too. It would be easier to forget, to live in what was happening now, but she couldn't do it. And she had to remember all the bad stuff too...

"Skylu, what do you think?" Vana asked, apparently fed-up with the Pantoran. Akira's eyes snapped back down to find all of them looking at her expectantly. Not enough time to think, not enough time to think, not enough time to think-

"Um," she managed. "I'll restrain from commenting." Both the girls huffed at that, but she heard a small chuckle from under Kay's hair.

"Guess we're even then," Vana shrugged. Cenna smiled slightly. 

"Guess we are." And they finally made it to the cafeteria. It was as loud as usual. All the 'prime tables' were filled with the Apprentices, who all had their own designated spots from which they could watch over the younger ones. And trip them. And then laugh. A usual sight in The Best Munch in the Galaxy. Why was it named that? Take a guess.

"I'm starving," Vana said. Akira's own stomach rumbled in agreement. Vana grabbed her arm and wordlessly dragged her to the food-serving booth. Skylu was too surprised to resist. Her new friend took two trays, shoving one into Akira's chest. She grunted, managing to hold on to it. "What are you getting?" Vana asked, squirming into the middle of the line. Akira followed her. Everyone around was younger than them, therefore terrified.

"I don't know. Probably the usual," she answered, leaning to the side to see what was on the table. Jedha tentacles (they move), the usual mysterious rotisserie meat chunk (questionable), prickly fruit (suspiciously lumpy), seafood (gave her stomach problems), a row of sandwiches with chopped up Mellooruns on the side(no idea what's in them, but they're delicious), Colo Claw fish (also delicious), deep-fried Nuna legs (savory), and food ration bread (simple). 

For drinks, water, Jawa Juice (disgusting), blue milk (no one drinks milk alone), and wine.

So yeah, pretty rich.

It would have been great if not for the teachers at the beginning of the line, checking the amount of food on the plates. Oh shit, she forgot to ask Vana back.

"What about you?" Akira asked. Vana's eyes drifted across the table. 

"Probably Colo, bread, prickly fruit, and Jawa Juice." Akira stared at her.

"Jawa Juice?" Vana laughed.

"Yeah, I know. I'm weird. Cenna won't shut up about it. But I can't help my tastebuds!" Skylu grinned.

"Guess not." They finally made it to the table. True to her word, Vana grabbed a cup of Jawa Juice. Akira took water, thank you very much. After helping themselves with a small portion of whatever they wanted and passing the 'food test,' they started looking for Cenna and Kay.

Akira spotted them in the middle of a crowded table. They both grabbed some ration packs instead of a meal. "There," she said to Vana, who couldn't find them still. 

"Where?" She tried to point, but then realized her hands were full. 

"I'll lead." With that, she headed for the table. This was her first time dining in the Munch in years, and she was going to eat surrounded by people. Her stomach twisted, and breathing came harder. Not now, please not now.

An Apprentice tried to trip Vana, but she stepped over the foot without a second thought. The man seemed abashed, and turned back to his friends. If that had been Skylu, there would have been a fight. It wasn't that she wanted a fight, it just... happened.

Cenna spotted them and waved enthusiastically, all former disagreements forgotten. "Hey guys!" She yelled over the loud chatter. The grin on her face was contagious, and Akira found herself smiling back.

Why didn't she do this sooner?

It was fun.

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