True Love's Flight

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Valentine's Day was fast approaching, and I was remembering the past 17 Valentine's Days that I've spent alone. But that was was before I met Danny, and before I fell in love. I was sitting on the balcony in my Silver Dragon form, which is the same size as my normal height when I'm on my hind legs, which is almost always, except in flight, and has a slight muzzle. Danny was currently showing off in his Onyx Dragon form, which is basically the same as mine, but with black scales instead of silver. I decided to join Danny in the flight, startling him as I spiraled upwards without warning. I grinned at his bewildered look as I closed my eyes and folded my wings and began to plummet towards the frozen ground. I sensed him diving after me, determined to save me for the second time since we met.

Our claws locked as Danny caught me 20 feet from the ground. He looked so confused by what just happened, and his sapphire eyes seemed to be asking, 'What the hell did you do that for?' He had his head tilted to the side in confusion as to why I would do such a thing. He didn't know it, but he had just acted on his dragon instincts as well as his hero complex and his love for me. 'Finally, a Valentine's Day where I am not alone.' I thought happily.

I smiled softly and said, "That was the flight of trust. Dragon pairs do that when they intend to become mates at some point in their lives. The male starts the flight and shows off for the female. If she approves of his fearlessness, she will join him. The female will then spiral upward to the male's level. Once she has his attention, she will fold her wings and plummet towards the ground. That part is to test the loyalty of the male, to see if he will do anything to catch the female before she gets too close to the ground. If the male catches her, they lock claws and the male will hold the female close to him, protecting her with all that he is. The two are then future mates. It's like a betrothal for dragons, in simpler terms."

Danny looked at me with a bit of shock and nearly fell out of the sky when I got done explaining the flight we had gone through. "You mean...we're..." he trailed off, not quite able to finish the question as he blushed brightly, though you couldn't really tell with his midnight scales. But I didn't need him to finish to know what he meant. "Future life-mates, yes. Although, I'm certainly not complaining. There is no one I would rather spend my half-life with than you, Daniel James Frost." I said softly, a small blush spreading on my cheeks as well. We landed on the balcony, Danny still holding me close. "And I could not imagine spending the rest of my half-life with anyone other than you, Isabella Ann Masters. You truly are the most beautiful girl I know, far more beautiful than any daughter of Aphrodite. You are also a very brave fighter, tougher than any child of Ares. And from what I have seen, wiser than any other child of Athena. You are my everything, my entire world, the reason that I live, the reason I am no longer alone." Danny said, sounding like a noble gentleman speaking to a princess. He's the only one who can call me by my full name and not have me go all crazy on his butt.

I blushed at how he compared me to daughters of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, and how he called me a better fighter than children of Ares, the god of war, and saying how I was wiser than any other child of Athena, the goddess of battle and wisdom. My pale emerald eyes searched his icy sapphire ones for any signs of lying, but found he only spoke the truth. He was actually kneeling on one knee as he said all that, my hands being held in his, our eyes locked with every word. His sapphire eyes seemed to shine like the stars above, the only way to tell where he was against the cloudless night sky. The light of the full moon seemed to illuminate my scales, which were already the color of moonbeams. I sighed softly as I leaned closer to Danny, resting my head on his chest as we began to dance to our own beat: the beat of our own hearts, and music only we could hear.

The flight and the dance both made me realize that Danny has always been the one for me, the one I would spend the rest of my days with. He was destined to be my life-mate. We switched back to our human forms and went inside as it started to get colder. Sure, we may have ice cores, but that doesn't mean we're immune to the cold, it just means we can tolerate it longer than others. He kept one of his arch-angel wings draped over my shoulders, helping to shield me from the wind that was blowing into the dorm room. I used my telekinesis to close the balcony door behind us, effectively stopping the chilly air from blowing into the warmer room.

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