I Have...Wings!?

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I felt strangely off-balance when I woke up, like something was weighing me down. I sat up, and when I looked at the mirror, I let out a panicked scream and shot out of bed and rushed over to the mirror. I had somehow gained wings. Light pink arch-angel wings to be exact. I raised my hand up behind me over my shoulder to feel the new feathery appendages to confirm if they were real. They were. I sighed and was about to leave for the common room when suddenly, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Danny came running in. "Is everything alright? We heard screaming." Harry asked.

My wings were lowered behind my back, invisible, and I had a blanket on my shoulders. I couldn't speak, so I just nodded and forced a smile. "Bella, you're lying. I know you well enough to see right through that forced smile of yours." Danny said with his arms crossed. I sighed as I let the blanket fall from my shoulders, willed my wings out of invisibility, and raised them into view. All four of them gasped and stared at me with wide eyes and open mouths.

"I have no idea as to how nor why this happened. Perhaps it has to do with my ghost powers. We may never know the truth behind the mysterious appearance of my arch-angel wings." I told them. I then focused on retracting my wings into my body. It worked after a few minutes and my wings were no longer there. I swayed a bit from the effort. "Bella, you okay?" Danny asked me in concern. I smiled a bit and said, "Yeah. Just a little dizzy from the effort."

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