Danny's Song on a Stormy Night

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This day could NOT have gotten any gloomier. Last time I checked the weather, we were supposed to have some crazy bad storms tonight. The muggy weather made me feel very tired, even more so than usual. Oh, one quick little fact about us Halfas: we don't require much sleep, that is, unless we are hurt or severely weakened. We still need it due to our human selves though. I was just relaxing on my bed in the dorm, reading a book. Well, TRYING to read a book. I kept yawning like every two or three minutes. Eventually, I gave up on the book and decided that I might as well try to get to sleep before the storm hit. Yawning once more, I sunk under the covers. Within seconds of my head hitting the pillow, I was out like a light. Little did I know that any hopes I had of a peaceful, restful night would be crushed before they could even surface.

About half an hour went by before I heard an incredibly loud crash of thunder. I shot up in bed, a startled yelp/scream tearing its way out of my throat. My heart felt like it was going a mile a minute, but with shallower beats than a normal human, what with me being half dead and all. No matter what I tried, I just couldn't calm myself down enough to go back to sleep. Danny, who had actually had a clever moment, shot awake at hearing my scream. He and I were surrounded by a permanent soundproofed ecto-dome, a door attached for easy access. Now, I know you're probably thinking: 'Couldn't you and Danny just use your intangibility for that?' Well news flash: that won't work with anything made of ectoplasmic energy due to ghosts ALSO bing made of ectoplasm! Sorry about that. I tend to blather on about random facts about Halfas when I'm sacred out of my wits, usually in a snappish kind of voice if I'm scared enough.

Danny shifted closer to me and held me close to him as the thunderstorm raged on outside. Yes, I just sort of quoted the song 'Let It Go'. Deal with it, people. In case you have forgotten, I absolutely HATE AND DESPISE THUNDERSTORMS! Danny's not much for storms either, but he handles them better than I do. As Danny continued to hold me, I clung to him like my life depended on it, my body shaking like a leaf in the wind. That was when Danny started humming a song I'd never heard before. His voice was soothing as he then began singing:

"In the darkest times,
Let your heart guide you
Back to my arms,
Where you'll always
Be safe as can be.
Know that, in the end,
I will always
Be there for you.
I will always
Be right there with you
To keep you safe.
No matter the danger,
No matter the odds,
I'll protect you
From whatever might harm you.
I would even
Face the gods
To keep you safe.
I will always
Be there for you.
I will always
Be right there with you.
Even when you
Cannot see me,
I will still be there
To keep you safe and sound
For as long as I'm with you."

I'd completely forgotten about the storm as his song ended and my eyes began to close. I was starting to fall asleep in his arms, just as he had done when I'd had to comfort him when he'd had a nightmare during my second night at FentonWorks. We were lying down on the bed now, with me resting practically on top of Danny as he held me close to him. My eyes were now fully closed, my heartbeat had long since returned to normal, and my breathing was quiet, calm, and steady. Just before I fully fell asleep, I felt him place a kiss on top of my head. I smiled softly, glad that Danny had chosen to sleep in my room tonight.

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