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The man immediately grabbed harshly onto my arm and dragged me over to the window, making me almost stumble over my feet as he pointed out the window to the dead bodies laying in the Death Strip.

"You know anything about that?" the man harshly questioned and I just widened my eyes at the sight. That was almost all of the group I had tried to help.¨

"I know it was stupid," I commented and immediately felt bad at my comment, but I had to act like nothing.

"Answer me!" the man exclaimed and shook my arm, "we know you helped them. My colleague saw you in the window of the eigth floor, this floor."

"But sir... this is not floor eight," I stated and looked up at him with a puzzled look making him halt in his explanation, "this is appartment 7A," I pointed out and he just stared at me before letting go of my arm, "appartment 8A and 8B is on the next floor. It's the Merkels that live there."

"Do they have a daughter around your age?" the man asked and I frowned at him.

"Maybe you've seen their son. He has a few feminine features, easily confused for a girl if he wears that horrid beanie of his," I explained and he just huffed before glaring down at me, "if you don't mind sir I have a lot of homework to finish befor tomorrow."

"Very well," he grumbled before tapping my shoulder with his baton, "study well for the DDR."

"I will sir, thank you," I nodded at him with a small smile before following after him and assuring he left the appartment, before I returned back to my bedroom and looked down at the dead bodies they now were removing from the Death Strip, the sand painted red by their blood.

It had been a group of eigth people I had been trying to help, but there was six bodies, so that must mean at least two had come across according to my calculations, unless I had missed a body or one had already been removed beforehand.

I quietly closed the door to my bedroom before letting out a deep breath and running both hands through my hair and glancing over into Sunoo's room. It was completely empty, he must've left before anything happened. But my vision was soon interrupted by a white balloon.

The nerve this boy had. Sending a message across right after what just happened. But then again, still smart. The guard in the tower was too occupied with helping move the bodies that he actually wouldn't see it, and if he had sent the balloon when I had shown out the officer... maybe it actually was a smart time.

I quickly fished in the balloon and ripped the note off to see what he had written for me. My heart was actually beating quite fast at the imagination of what he possibly could've written for me. Maybe he was scared off by now.

'I once witnessed an escape attempt from the East to the West. It was a group of eigth people. Three of them of East Asian decent, and five of Caucasian decent. They had the best help to get across and managed to get one up on the wall, to grab a small baby, barely even a year old. But it ended wrong. Six of them were shot dead in a Sand bank near the Western side, one was shot dead on top of the wall and fell down into the West. 

Now dad and I brought in a baby of East Asian decent, he had a small name tag hidden under his jacket. We think he's Japanese. 

Asahi, it means sunlight (that's what dad said). He was born in February of this year. We're gonna take care of him now. He's scared and crying.'

I immediately felt my eyes well up as I covered my mouth with one hand and looked across towards Sunoo's room. I quickly dried my eyes and got a clear view of Sunoo standing in his room the same baby I had seen moments before, getting hoisted over into West germany, sitting on his arm. Sunoo immediately smiled before grabbing one of the baby's hand and waving it at me.

I immediately sunk to my knees as I got overwhelmed by the whole situation. An escape mission had never affected me like this. Making me cry. Maybe it was the whole circumstance of only a six month old baby as the only survivor, or maybe it was because Sunoo hadn't hesitated to help, risking the Stasi trying to file a case to investigate him and his dad if they found out he had hidden the baby.

As I gathered myself and looked up out of my window again Sunoo stood alone, the baby probably laying somewhere else now. Sunoo smiled slightly at me before giving me a thumbs up and then gestured to his cheek and crossing his arms in an 'x', he was telling me to not cry. 

I didn't even hesitate before rushing over and writing a quick note to him, wanting him to know how I felt, in writing two simple words with a shaky hand.

'Thank you'

I let out a deep breath before sending the balloon back to him and he immediately grabbed it, reading the note within a second and just shaking his head and gesturing his hands in a way that denied my thanks. He did it out of pure generousity and I didn't doubt that one bit.

Sunoo looked over behind him with a small worried expression before looking back at me and pointing down to the ground that seperated us and crossed his hands. A short message telling me to not try and escape. I wasn't gonna try anyways, not after today, that was for sure.

I quietly nodded as Sunoo pointed behind him and pointed to his cheek again, calmly explaining the baby was crying and that he had to go. Which I fully understood, and I think it was best for me to try and get some rest or at least time to myself as well.

Never before had an escape affected me this much.

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