Two deaths

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Okay soooooooo, let's list off some things before we start off

My sister isn't answering her calls when I call her at break time ;v;

No fireafy in this chapter, no ship stuff just the angst n murderrrr

And Rayman Legends is amazing.

Glad I've buyed that recently on my birthday lol

N e ways enjoy everyone!! :D


Needles' Pov


Today is the day.

I heard that Eggy went off on a quote unquote 'stroll' but I know for sure that she's looking for Coiny. And that dumb Clock. I was following her, she was currently in a forest now, quite far from our Losers house. She was constantly calling out Clocks' name out loud, looking around her surroundings. I then felt my...'ears' bleed a bit, I felt onto where those 'ears' would be. Guess metaphors cam be a thing. But this kind of hurt though, yikes. I then decided to look in my backpack I brought with me, quitely unzipping it as I looked inside and pulling out whatever I wanted to see. Now how should I kill Clock?- I might as well do Eggy first actually, since she would be a suspect if I get caught. And plus, I wanted to have more fun. I don't even care so much about her anyways, only dating her for pity a bit ago and that.

I then decided that I could kill Eggy, a stab and such here and there, slowly making my way towards her behind her back. I then began humming a little tune from one of those creepy songs I like, getting her attention as she turned around and yelped out as she noticed me with my creepy grin and knife. I then tackled her to the ground, she began screaming but I covered her mouth. But then she kicked me off, began running off from me screaming for help. I then began running after her, grabbing a rock from the ground as I threw it perfectly to her feet to which she collapsed and fell to the ground on her back somehow. I then jumped up onto her and began stabbing her quickly, clawing at her shell as well as I also began stomping on her until I didn't hear a peep out of her. She was, now dead. I killed her, oh my goodness. Oh who cares if I'm going to hell anyways. Now is the time for me yo search for Clock, to finally end him after all of these times. My actual plan. Although I shouldn't have killed Eggy so quickly, she could've led me to Clock. She's a good seeker afterall. Oh well, I know definitely where Clock is.

At least the gem told me where he was because of this plan. Let's see...

I bringed out my map and realised I'm quite away from where Clock actually is. Until I heard some sort of breathing nearby. I then slowly creeped over my way over to the noise since I've gotten very good sense of hearing, well it's gotten a little bad because of my 'ears' bleeding but it's all good. But that's when I heard running, coming from behind me..? I turned around to the noise of running and heavy breathing, a circular object was running to me bag..? My plan is working! But...he's got a chainsaw out..? But that's when I felt the slash of ultimate pain as I felt the chainsaw interact with my 'stomach' and that's when I blackened out. But seriously, I just died.

The plan didn't work at all, afterall...

We'll meet again in the afterlife Clocky...~


Leafys' Pov

It was another day and I was currently in my room drawing something, what am I drawing? My best friend Firey! I'm really proud of the drawing so far, sadly it's not done yet eheheh...

(Yikes this is from my animation meme)

That's the original drawing, but I thought it was kinda weird of me to give a drawing to someone who them in the drawing was sad, so I'm re-doing it! I don't even know why I even draw Firey sad, it's starting to make me sad! I decided to throw it ...

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That's the original drawing, but I thought it was kinda weird of me to give a drawing to someone who them in the drawing was sad, so I'm re-doing it! I don't even know why I even draw Firey sad, it's starting to make me sad! I decided to throw it away. That was really stupid of me to draw.

I then went back to the drawing I was working on, until someone opened the door quickly, showing most of the other Losers here. Ah wait nevermind it was just Pin, I was daydreaming there. She then shyly closed the door behind her with her feet instead of her hands. Something's up. I then sat up, putting my drawing stuff to side on my desk. I then walked over to her and smiled. "Hey Pin! You okay there?" I then asked her, standing near in front of her. She then started getting red. "O-Oh! Uhm yeah yeah..! Just, kind of nervous at the moment you know?" She then chuckled nervously as I chuckled along in a reassuring way of doing so. "It's fine Pin, take your time with...what you're going to say to me?" I then giggled a little. She then quickly nodded. "Right" she then gave me a letter, I then tooked it from her hands.

Hey Leafy, listen please.

I'm too nervous to say it out loud so I'll tell you by this letter right here. Anyways what I have to tell you is really important to me, more then anything.

You're as perfect as a plant sprouting out of the ground, as clear as the blue skies today, as bright as gold and the sun and you're as beautiful as a flower to me. If no one can see that, that's their loss. They wouldn't know what truth beauty is if they disagree with my words about you.

But to put it short, I love you.

More then anyone

- Love Pin

I raised a brow at this heart warming movement by my best friends' words, those kind. I love this letter. But the problem was, I loved someone else. But she'd probably love her best friend instead. I then smiled at her, blushing softly but then I sighed. "Pin this is, so kind hearted and beautiful of you. But, I'm not sure about my love life at the moment exactly...I'm sorry. I'll let you know when I know if I love you back or not..?" If the girl I love doesn't love me then, I could be with Pin. I kind of like her that way a bit. She then nodded with her smile. "I understand Leafy, don't rush yourself!" She's so understanding, aww. We then exchanged eachother smiles as Pin left my room, shutting the door behind her properly. I then letted out a sigh, slowly sitting down on the ground as I stare at the letter she gave me. She'll be so heartbroken if I reject her, oh my yoyle berries this is harddddd.
Wait, what if I confess to my true love first? If she loves me it's a win win, if not then I'll go with Pin! Easy! It's a win win either way.

I hope at least...


AaaaaaaaAa- Me and my mum just gotted eachother Subway together and a cookie each from there, love you mum and I always will lol <33

Anyways I wrote a lot on this one lol

Thanks for reading this chapter!

(Words? 1233)

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