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Vent ahead here, feel free to skip.

Back to school and already had my first breakdown, perfect! 👍 /s

But overall I'm feeling better now so no need to worry about me until whatever,

Well I also found out one of my friends was actually manipulating me, my mum told me anyways, so perfect start to school with my friends already! /s

I should've listened to my mum first thing

N e waysssss- before I might break down again, unlikely, let's start it off now! :D


Losers Pov


It was currently night, and I was on my way to proceed onto this next plan of mine.

I went my way to Golf ball and Tennis ball so I could borrow a potion off of them, making up the excuse that I needed it just for forgetting my 'trauma.' My goodness I'm terrible, hahahah. It was a forgetting potion, the person who drinks it or gets someone to drink it themselves who now possess the potion gets to get rid of whatever memory they want. But only one for each potion anyways, that's what the nerd and goofball told me. Fortunately the potion looked a lot like apple juice, and so I had a plan. At night I decided to give everyone the apple juice, but as for Leafy she was going to take this potion. Of course I've eavesdropped on their conversation, apparently this baker plant or whatever girl had a crush on the leaf. Ugh god, nobody cares you love her Pin. And that is why I'm going to ruin her chances with Leafy, just for fun. No one here isn't my type at all. I then finally arrived inside of Leafys room, the whole potion into her glass. "Here Leafy, sorry about dinner there wasn't much food" I then lied out, not wanting to really feed anyone here. They can get food themselves. "Oh no it's fine Loser, and thanks! Apple juice?" I nodded my head as I faked a smile at her. "Mhm~" She then smiled at me, what a weirdo. She's falling for it. "Well, thanks Loser!" I just nodded with my fake smile again and then waved at her, going off to my room. Now this is the time I do the magic, going into my bed. "Forget forget forget, that Pin loves you romantically" Done.


Pins' Pov


Another day, another suprise or shock.

Recently Loser was getting cake into so much trouble and breaking his promises over and over, how disgusting.

Imagine doing that to your friends. Being the victim, forcing guilt on others for your wrong doings, breaking their promises and such. Those type of people are very toxic, I hate them! No one ever deserves to get manipulated at all.

Anyways, this is where it gets bad for me.

Yesterday is what I'd like to call one of the worst days ever, I never felt so broken in my life up until now. Now what happened, here's what had happened yesterday.


I'm currently in Leafys room talking about life and such, Leafy seemed to be in a really happy mood. And I mean, super duper happy. I wonder why she seems so happy today, if she's happy then I'm happy as well. But I decided to not question it. She then looks at me with her charming and beaming smile, my goodness. "Which uh- reminds me Pin! I forgot to show you someone! And, tell you about something heheh" She giggled a bit. I started to feel uneasy all of a sudden, it hurt my stomach a bit too. "Uhm..- Sure! What is it?" I then asked her kindly with a small yet a bright smile. "Wellllllllll-" We then heard the doorbell go off, someone. Someone. "Oh, she's here!!" She then ran downstairs excitedly. Who's this she..? Oh no, it can't be...- "Pin, Pencil. Cutie, Pin" NO NO, THEY MUST BE JOKING WITH THE CUTIE THING RIGHT?! "Oh hey Pin! I heard about some stuff about you, an...awful lot actually" Pencil then nervously chuckled at me. Leafy and Pencil then quickly went in for a short kiss and began holding hands together. I then started stammering, the shakiness haunted in my voice right there too. "Y-You...WHY?!" I screamed out quite upset, glaring at the two girls in front of me. "Huh? Pin what's wrong..?" Leafy then asked kind of scared, but I didn't care at this point. I was going to snap, right there. "LEAFY I LOVED YOU, YOU KNOW THAT" I screamed out that next sentence, Leafy was purely shaking. She seemed, threatened at me too. "N-No...I didn't???" "YES YOU DID, DON'T YOU DARE LIE" I then slapped her face and pushed her onto the floor. Immediately she was about to cry, then on I began making my way elsewhere to the forest quite nearby. Pencil bringed her up to help her I'm assuming. I didn't even dare to look back on them. "H-HOW- WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT IF YOU LOVED HER?!" Pencil then shouted out to me as I just shrugged blankly, then hearing her growl at me. "P-Pencil...Don't..." Then I heard Leafy cry onto her, I hated hearing her cry so I began to run off. Thank god that stationary part didn't run over to me to pick up a fight with me or something.

(Flashhhhhbaaaaaaaack Endddd~)

Now I'm just here, at night on my own in a forest. I felt a strange aura too, like someone was watching me. I didn't care I can defend myself anyways. I then remembered about something I owned here in this forest. Behind the magestic waterfall here people call it, there was my secret area. Press a few rocks and off you go. It has anything you can dream of in there. But only I own it, and only I knew about it thankfully. And I still remember exactly where it was, I knew this forest like the palm of my own hand. I then began quitely walking my way there. I only heared the critters nearby and the waters near by leading up to the waterfall, to which I decided on to follow that way rather then the long way. Although I was getting impatient there anyways. I then smelt something, horrible. And I mean, REALLY REALLY horrible. I then slowly went to smell, and apparently Needles' corpse was right there. Heesh, well it gets worse doesn't it. Then from there I saw Eggys corpse too, I wonder if Clock died out here too. No sign of his dead body yet. I then continued on making my way to the area I owned. Later on I arrived there, the sounds of the waterfall had me felt more calm as well. I then went behind it and saw the wall with various different patterns on it. I then pressed against six areas and as I knew it, I was going down underground. It was like a see through glass elevator and that was pretty good. I then finally arrived at the undergrounds, eyeing around the place as I slowly walked over to various buttons and potions as I had my arms behind my back. Now what should I do, to release out this anger I had finally bottled up from before bfdi started? Maybe I could get rid of Loser finally, or the earth, or maybe I could...

Go on a killing rampage..?

With everything here! Potions from bringing back the death and killing immediately, many different buttons every one you could think of and such more. Now this will be such a creative experience, of killing everyone I knew finally. I wanted to do this for a long time. Hopefully, hopefully...

I won't regret this, at all.



(I can't wait to write the next part as well! Hopefully the next part will be finished by tonight or even tommorow after school or before school. Well, since I now go there at 10 in the morning instead of 9 now. Well, 10:30 tommorow anyways, so much more time! :DD)

(I missed school, I can't wait to go back to it properly again after my summer holidays! ;v;)

(Words? 1375) 

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