Finally, it's the end...

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Seriously- Thank you all so much for the support on this book throughout the years- I appreciate it all a lot- Now we shall happily read this last chapter together. Enjoy my fellow readers


Pins Pov 📌

Suddenly I was awake. But... I thought I was dead? Guess not. Looks like I had survived Liys attempted murder on me... I slowly sat up as I felt a burning pain across my stomach and my arm more. I then looked over to the key chain on my arm- Wait, no... No no no...
It's gone? But who could've-
I heard tapping noises on buttons from nearby as I turn my head over to it.


Liy was on the machine controlling it. And the dogs controlling key chain was stabbed onto her own arm! How dare she... I'll kill her for this!

It all seemed like she was bringing the inverted colored dalmatians back and bringing the rest of the objects back to life with a command and some specific potions on the machine... So she's going to be the hero. Not any longer she's not. I started this and I'm going to end it. I'm not letting her take my spotlight like that manipulative Loser did! She's got some nerve. I'LL KILL HER

Filled with anger and pure rage I slowly stood up and very quitely walked over to the potion shelves that were all labeled by each sections. But due to my frustration I wasn't so quite and grabbed an immediate kill potion and threw it at Liy with a shout, I watched Liy scream intensely from the pain as she slowly melted into nothingness of sludge looking stuff... Thank god she's dead.

Thinking she'll be the hero...

Fours Pov 💙

What's happening?! Everything seems to be going back to normal magically... Hooray! I'm not even going to get skeptical right now I'm just glad me and my lovely contestants are safe and back to life! I gathered everyone around and made our own little celebration party with my powers! All food music and stuff, that's the life baby... But I do wonder where the rest of my contestants are...

Pins Pov 📌 (Again-)

I sighed to myself after I had cleaned up the gross dead goop from the chair that Liy was sitting on in front of my machine. I grabbed out the controlling key chain thing from Liys dead arm on the floor now and putted it back into my arm, now activating it again. I thought long and hard on what to do with the dogs but I had a solution that would save myself and everyone from. "Kill yourselves... Painfully"
Wh- Why painfully specifically? Maybe I'm getting addicted to watching all of this real life bloodshed- Whatever. I turned the camera to the one where i saw my dogs seeing them all dying painfully. I could only watch with such... passion? Ugh damnit Pin!- Before I could leave however, I turned on another camera on the machine to see the contestants partying and... Leafy was there...? Oh no. She would hate me even if I said I saved everyone. Everyone would! There must be something I can-

I then saw a potion at the corner of my eye that intrigued me as I walked over to it to read the label on it...

"Forgotten memory"

Yes I can just use that with a command on everyone! And that's what I went to do. I pressed in the command on the machine and poured all of the potion into a slot and closed, about to press a red button by the slot to activate before I stopped myself from pressing my finger on it.

Maybe just one person can...


I could really mess with them.

God damnit Pin! I feel like I'm turning into Loser at this rate, enjoying people suffer for my own sick pleasure... I'll never be him! But... I really had this urge to do it... I guess it won't be that bad...

I edited the command a little, deciding that Firey would be my victim of remembering all of this like I will too... I then finally pressed the button and watched the screen load up... And then...

"Memory erasure complete. Now triggering the command..." The machine spoke with a female robotic voice. And that's when I watched the contestants get confused on why they're partying except Firey which makes me smile. This was fun... Maybe I should play around in here more often than I should...

It wouldn't hurt to...


Leafys Pov 🍃

I was hugging up with Pencil during this random party that we all don't remember coming too... Even Four didn't know where this come from. Oh well it's a nice party at least! "Hey Leafy... Do you wanna crash at my place tonight?" Pencil asked me as I smiled at her which made her smile back at me "Sure Pencil!" We continued hugging eachother... The music was pretty loud but it was playing good party vibe songs!
Suddenly I saw Pin coming up to the party and me and Pencil wave at her. She was going towards us! "Hai Pin! We found this party and decided to party out here!" I said to her as I saw her smile... With glad? Huh. "Oh um yeah! Look I'm... Sorry Leafy. For lashing out on you and Pencil earlier about you two being a couple now... I'm happy for you two" "Aww gosh Pin!" Pencil letted go of me as Pin hugged me and I hugged her back! "Of course I forgive you! I just hope I didn't upset you too much..." She smiled nervously "Oh, of course not! It's okay now anyway... Well I'm going home now so-" "Already? But why not party with me and Pencil? It's so fun out here!" "Well um yeah but- I'm tired so... Have fun you two!" "Oh well cya Pin" "Bye Pin!" "Bye then!" And Pin began walking off back to The Losers house deep in thought about what all just happened recently... She then remembered about the forgotten memory potions...

They all looked like apple juice.

And that day when Loser gave her and Leafy apple juice and no dinner and Leafy forgot about Pin confessing her love to her. She should've know... Pin balled up her fists standing in place out of nowhere. But how did Loser get into the waterfall? Did he know the passcode? And what about Liy too?
Suddenly a very familiar voice startled Pin from the thoughts in her head. She could only bring herself to turn around to who said the voice and glared at the figure who spoke those daring words...

"Something happened Pin?"

That guy...


And we are done with this book! I really hope you all enjoyed reading this I had so much fun writing all of this and I'm so glad I finally finished this after a year or two- Srry for leaving y'all in the dust there- .v.

But yees that's it for Nature Sanity! I may might make a second book sequel to this but idk yet- That'd be up to you guys! Let me know if y'all want a sequel!!! And thank you all SO MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH- for the support on this book too once again- You all make my world already- I'm gonna cry of happy tears now I'm gonna just stop rambling on now just- Thank you all so much my fellow readers and my sweet lemon leafs that I call my lovely fans ;v;

Words in total: 1285 💚💚💚💚

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