On our way

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Awwww man, having some hello neighbor no commentary gameplay in the background hits different when I'm writing. I get a huge wisk of nostalgia at the same time, and yes that's a good thing lol

As for school, I'm pretty neutral on it! There are the bullies and that, but that doesn't bother me so much! Because I got my exams and such ahead to work on. And I'm pretty nervous for that definitely ;-;

Anyways back onto the story, I've been excited to write more on this for sure!!

Leafy's Pov


I suddenly had woken up in a bed, it wasn't my bed for sure. I think it's Pencil's bed. I slowly opened up my eyes fully to see whatever my eyes had unfolded me. There was Pencil on the left side pretty worried sick, oh my leaf I hope nothing else bad happened whilst I was out or asleep. It's hard to make that out, plus I don't even remember why I was out for whatever long. I then looked over to Pencil more directly. "Pencil..?" Pencil then smiled and then hugged me. "Oh my gosh Leafy! And uh, you alright there?" She then stopped hugging me and instead she began to hold my hands. I then gave out a chuckle and a small sweet smile for her. "I'm okay! Well, what happened whilst I was out?" I then asked Pencil to which she just shook her head at my question. "No, not what I have heard of" She then shrugged but then smiled. "And about you being knocked out or whatever, whilst we was walking to my house black hole decided to whip us up to a tree to which knocked you out and I was just in unbearable pain for a while" Pencil then chuckled nervously with her cute toothy grin. I just smiled at her. "Well I'm sure Black hole there didn't mean any harm to us Pencil, on purpose" I then chuckled after saying so, with the girl sighing after my chuckling had ended itself off. "Well alright then, maybe a bit at least" We then both began laughing a bit together, letting out relieved sighs together after. "You know Leafy, about Pin, I wonder what's she's up to know" My eyes then 'widened.' "I forgot about Pin, I hope she's okay!! Pencil we have to find her now!" I then said panickingly. "But-" "She's my bestest friend, we can't just let her be upset we don't know what she'll do next!" Pencil then sighed and began carrying me, getting out of her house as we made our way to find Pin. "She's most likely in the forest still, so let's check there first" She then says, to which I nodded in agreement.

Pin's Pov

I was currently still in you know which area, playing around with some buttons. But that's when I immediately remembered something in here, the dogs. There were three dogs that you could control with a keychain. I remember it was thankfully, it was contained in this space like container. I then walked my way over to it as I pressed a few buttons to open it up and entering in the passcode. 4321. 4321. 4321. As I watched the container open up and did so, I slowly grabbed hold of it. You just had to wear it somehow, and I knew how to do that to which physical harm comes in. I jabbed the key into my arm, wincing a bit at the pain as I watched the keychain on it glow. It's now dog controllable. I then wagged it a bit, to which I saw three dalmatians come out. The difference is that their colors are inverted is all. I then wagged it a bit again as I looked at those three ones. "Fetch those harmful potions and kill everyone with it" I then evily sorta grinned, to which the dalmatians had listened to me and left as I watched them grab some potions and run off to the glass elevator to unleash those dangerous chemicals out there into the wild! Oh wait. Leafy...I can easily bring her back to life after this is all done. At least that stupid Pencil won't be alive and a bunch of other people. "And then me" I then said out randomly, then watching the keychain fade a little as well. Watching my own blood drip from my arm as well made me shiver, my arm stinged from the pain! But other then that, that'll be over very very soon...

Pencil's Pov

I really hope that me and Leafy will be okay, not getting lost of anything. Even this part of the forest reeked of dead bodies. Dead bodies! It made my poor lemon leaf throw up, she's getting better now from that thank gosh. But still, I'm kinda scared. What if there's hostile animals roaming the forest still right now? Or maybe even a serial killer?! I don't knowwww, I'm too tired for this. I then kissed Leafy's forehead, she was still in my arms too as I was still carrying her. I just hope that she doesn't get hurt or anything, she means the most to me for sure. I can deal with myself, but I'd hate to lose her. My lemon leafy whom I truly loved all these years since during around bfdi. She's, perfect. She's perfect in every way shape and herself. She's also perfect, for me. We're perfect for eachother. And that's why I'm glad that we're together at last for  now on, hopefully forever as well too.

She's too precious to me, too precious...


(We're getting there I promise you guys. As usual this was really fun to do! I love writing this book so much, hopefully I don't quite it or anything ;v;)

(Which I'm doubting I'll do that! Unless my school gets more important, although for now I can deal with both the internet and school perfectly well together! Next chapter? Who knows? Hopefully it will be tomorrow or even tonight if I get bored, definitely this week unless if it gets delayed for some reason :'>)

(Words? 1024)

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