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The next morning when I woke up, fluttering my eyes open I came face to face with Junkyu

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The next morning when I woke up, fluttering my eyes open I came face to face with Junkyu. He was still sleeping, his arm around my waist this time and I was only inches away from his face. I felt all giddy and warm inside.

I don't know what took over me but I suddenly averted my eyes towards his lips. When I looked up, I was only met by his dark brown eyes staring into mine. I then only realized how pretty they were. Instead of looking away and feeling embarrassed that he had most likely caught me staring at his lips, I kept eye contact. Neither of us didn't move or speak. We just, stared at each other.

I took in his appearance. His hair was messy, his cheeks were a bit puffy, the cause of it being that he just woke up. His eyes pierced through mine, might as well been staring right into my soul.

His mouth was slightly parted. He still had his arm wrapped around my waist.

He all of a sudden pulled me closer. Startled, I did nothing. All that was going through my mind was, what is he doing.

That question repeated in my mind but stopped once he mumbled something and retrieved his arm from my waist and sat up.

I sat up as well, confused. "What was that all about?" I questioned him. "Why were you staring at my lips, Hana." He inquired. I gulped.

His tone was different and I didn't recognize it.

"I don't know, why did you pull me closer to you, Junkyu?" I asked him. He sighed. "I don't know," he uttered more to himself than me. He got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up and eating breakfast we got back on the road once again.

This time we all sang together along with the songs that blasted in the car. It was really fun and hysterical. Dad sang on the top if his lungs, making me and mom burst into laughter while Junkyu snickered.

I missed seeing his beautiful smile.

We made another stop at a gas station, me and Junkyu going to the store to get something once again.

I got myself a chocolate and strawberry flavored water while Junkyu got his own snack and drink. We paid for our items and left the store, approaching the car that mom and dad was waiting in.

We got in and mom turned around to face us. "Are you both ready to leave?" She questioned us. I nodded, assuming Junkyu nodded as well because after that, we got back on the road.

I was dying for a conversation with Junkyu. I scooted closer to him and tapped his shoulder. He looked at me and hummed for me to go on.

I smiled sheepishly, not too sure on what to say. I then took out my phone from my hoddie's pocket and my earpods. "Wanna listen to songs with me?" I asked him. It looked like he was hesitant at first but nodded in anycase.

I smiled and gave him one of my earpods and placed the other in my ear. I pressed play on the song.

After a while I began to feel sleepy. I rested my head on Junkyu's shoulder. While I was partly awake, he didn't tell me to take my head off of his shoulder so I allowed my eyes to shut, sleep taking over me.


"Hana, Hana."

My eyes fluttered open, Junkyu coming into my vision. I hummed, letting him know I was awake. "We're at another hotel. Your parents is already inside." He informed me.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Oh, sorry did I keep you for long?" I asked him. "No it's fine. Let's head inside. I heard they have a pool," he told me.

Once we got inside we went to go find mom and dad. We found them, they were eating at a restaurant that was inside the hotel. Me and Junkyu got bored after sitting with them for a few minutes and asked them if we could go swimming.

They agreed and we went back to me and Junkyu's room that we had to share.

I changed in the bathroom while Junkyu changed in the room. Once we got changed, along with our towels we headed to the swimming pools. "Hey Junkyu can you get my back?" I questioned him. I handed him the sunscreen.

I turned around and a gasp left my mouth, the cause being his cold hands on my heated back. I heard him chuckle as he rubbed the sunscreen all over my back.

"There." He said, letting me know he was done. He gave me the sunscreen back and approached the pool. I had already applied sunscreen on him earlier.

He jumped into the swimming pool and I shield my eyes by using my hands, successfully avoiding water getting into my eyes. I then removed my hands and saw Junkyu coming back up to the surface.

His hair was now wet and covered his eyes. He wiped his hair back to get it out of his face. He looked really attractive. I couldn't help but to think that. He rubbed his eyes and opened them. I walked towards the pool and sat down.

I put my feet into the water. It was nice but cold. I saw Junkyu smirk and I raised my eyebrow in confusion. He swam towards me and by the time I realized what his plan was he had already grabbed a hold of my hips and pulled me into the water.

"KIM JUNKYU!" I shouted once we reached the surface. I playfully glared at him and lunged at him, pushing his shoulders down and got him under the water, only for a few seconds. I let him go, I didn't want to drown him after all.

After coming back up and rubbing his eyes he brusted into a fit of hard core laughter. I rolled my eyes at him and chuckled.

After a few minutes of swimming I got out of the pool and went to go tan. After a few minutes I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on me. For some odd reason, I only hope it was Junkyu.

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