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It was quite late, 12am to be precise

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It was quite late, 12am to be precise. Everyone was alseep, well I assumed my parents were asleep. I couldn't sleep so I went outside on me and Junkyu's balcony. I sat on the chair and stared at the beautiful night sky.

The bright lights known as stars decorated the dark blue sky, the moon shining bright. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. So many questions were looping in my mind and it was getting frustrating. I was confised. I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn't even notice Junkyu taking a seat besides me.

"Everything alright?" He questioned me. I opened my eyes and just stared at the sky. I debated on telling him the truth or not.

"Yes, everything is alright. Just been frustrated with myself," I truthfully told him. "And why is that?" He asked me. I sighed.

"I can't tell you Junkyu, at least not yet. I'm not ready to face your reaction," I replied.

"Okay, that's fine. Take as long as you want, don't pressure yourself on telling me. Tell me when your ready," he stated. I smiled. He always knew the right words to say and I admired him for that.

"Thank you." I said. "It's not a problem, Hana," he replied. silence engulfed us, along with crickets and leaves rustling, the wind being the cause.

Surprisingly, it wasn't that awkward. It was a comfortable and cool silence. "Junkyu." I called out, breaking the silence. He hummed in response. "Why did we drift apart? What happened? Is it my fault?" I confronted him.

I heard him sigh deeply. "Hana it is definitely not your fault. If anything it's my fault." I looked at him as he finished. We made eye contact.

"I can't tell you why, just like you I'm not ready for your reaction. I'd appreciate it if you'd wait for me. I'll eventually tell you," he informed me.

A wash of relief rushed through my body. "Can we get close again? I miss you." I pouted. I watched as he sadly smiled at me and lowered his head. "I'm sorry I got distant and pushed you away. I thought it would've been better and helped me, it clearly didn't," he told me and looked up at me.

After hearing him say that, I had an idea on why he did what he did.

I kept quiet for him to continue. "Yes, yes we can become close again. I miss you too," he confirmed. I smiled widely and got up from my seat and hugged him tightly, him hugging me back.

I sat back down and we both stared at the night sky. I smiled like a complete idiot. I was beyond thrilled to have my old best friend back.

"Want to do an all nighter?" He questioned me. I smiled in excitement. "Yes! We haven't done one in so long," I whinned. Junkyu just chuckled. He stood up and held out his hand for me and I gladly took it.

We went back inside and sat on his bed, since it was the closest to the balcony and we were too lazy to go to mine. We got comfortable next to each other and we started watching Netflix on my phone.

"Why does the dog always have to die?" I complained. Junkyu snickered. "I know it's cruel but it died so that the humans, aka the main characters won't die. Besides, the dog isn't actually dead. It's fine," he told me.

I rolled my eyes. He was right. "I know but still! It's still sad," I stated.

After watching a few movies I started to get tired. Junkyu must have noticed because he lightly slapped my head. "Yah, you can't fall asleep just yet. It's only 4am!" He exclaimed. I rubbed my head and mumbled a few cruse words.

"Excuse me what?" He queried. "Mhm, nothing," I replied. "Oh come on, I was gentle!" He spoke. I then attacked him with tickles. Junkyu burst out in laughter but quickly composed himself.

He pushed me off of him and he crawled on top of me and started attacking me with tickles. I closed my eyes while laughed. "O-ok-ok stop!" I said through my laughs. He stopped and when I opened my eyes I was met with his dark orbs.

I gulped. Our faces were only a few inches apart from each other. I could feel how heat crept to my cheeks, my heart was beating at a abnormal pace.

It only started getting worse when he started to inch closer to my face. I wasn't sure what to do so I just kept still. I was completely frozen on the spot.

He leaned in so close that I could feel his hot breath on my cheeks. He looked hesitant but pulled away anyways. We both sat up and I stared at my lap.

"Kim Junkyu, explain yourself." I heard him sigh. "Do you really want to know why I distant myself from you?" He asked me. I looked up at him, as expected he was already looking at me.

"Yes, yes I really do want to know," I replied. He sighed again, looking at his lap and then back at me. "I like you." He blurted out. Silence engulfed us as I just stared at him.

"What?" I inquired.

"Park Hana, I like you. It started when we were 14. Since I knew we were step siblings I thought it was wrong. I know we aren't related by blood, but still. I thought it was just a phase. I thought that if I avoided you for a while then maybe, just maybe my feelings for you would fade away but oh boy, I was so wrong.

My feelings for you only grew as time passed by. I love how you fold your toast like a sandwich. I love how your so confident. I love how your eyes form a line when you smile from ear to ear.

I love your unique eye color. I love how you'd randomly just hug me out of nowhere, I wanted to give you so much affection for so long but I refused because I was scared. I was scared of hurting you but it seems like I already did. I regret distancing myself from you, Hana. I really hope you'll forgive me. I was so stupid and naive to do that to you."

I was speechless.

"Please say something," He begged. "I forgive you, Junkyu. Let me sleep on your confession." I replied slowly. Junkyu sadly smiled at me and nodded. He got under the covers and so did I.

He looked at me confused. "Aren't you going to sleep in your own bed?" He questioned me. I shook my head from side to side. "No, it's cold and you keep me warm," I told him. I saw how he started to blush and I just giggled at him. "Is it okay if I hold you?" He asked. I appreciated how he asked. "Yes of course," I told him.

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