Under The Devil's Protection

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Y/n Pov~

"GAH!!!" I scream as I jerk awake and frantically look around to see that I'm in my bedroom, H....huh? how did I get here? I wonder in confusion as I run my hand across my cheap cloth sheets. I then remember the wound I suffered from last night and I rip off the blanket covering me, only to reveal that my stomach, ribs and heart haven't been pierced and I'm unscathed. "H...huh?" I hum in confusion as I rub the spot on my stomach where Raynare's spear ran me through. I lift my hand and expect to see the same crimson liquid coating it like it was before but it's clean, Was.... was it a dream? I wonder but I quickly shake my head no. "It can't be.... it felt too real.... I felt.... her" I shiver as I remember the warm and crimson presence I felt from the mysterious red haired girl who appeared right before I lost consciousness. My heart starts to ache so I clamp my hand down on where it lies inside my chest and feel it beat but..... differently. My heart doesn't beat as steadily and as faint as it used to, it beats slower than before and a lot stronger.... almost as if my heart is far stronger than it used to be, not needing to beat as fast because it beats so strongly. Hmmm... weird I think as I hop out of bed but jump way higher than I meant to, I slam my head into the ceiling and fall onto the floor with a loud THUD! "Ugh...... the hell? I didn't even try to jump that high" I groan as I rub my sore head from the ceiling and my tail bone from landing on it so hard. I shake off the already weird morning I'm having and go into the bathroom, turn on the water, strip and careful get into the shower, not wanting to slip and fall through the floor or something, knowing my luck today that's exactly what'll end up happening I sigh as I quickly wash myself and exit the shower. I grab the towel off of the stand and wrap it around my waist but as soon as I do, I hear the faint sound of footsteps coming up to the door of the bathroom. They are walking quietly, as if they don't want me to hear them. I'm still very on edge from the events of last night, whether they were real or not so I act a bit out of character and become paranoid. It could be Raynare coming to finish me off..... or the red haired girl coming to do God knows what! I internally panic but for some reason this gives me a head ache. The possible attacker stops outside the bathroom door and without even thinking about it, I charge them, hoping to at least get the first blow on whoever this is, naked or not. I rip open the bathroom door, grab the person's throat, spin them around, lift them off the ground and slam them against the wall with a lot more strength then I thought I had. "GACK!!! T....the... hell is the deal? You... idiot!?" a familiar voice chokes as I look up to see my attacker and am shocked to see that it isn't an attacker at all, it's my sister! "Ryuko!?" I gasp and look up to see that my hand is still wrapped around her throat, I quickly retract my hand and let her drop back down to her feet. As soon as she does, she starts to cough and rub her surely sore throat as I stand over her and apologize profusely. "I'm so sorry!" I apologize over and over again while she coughs and catches her breath. She holds a hand up, telling me to stop and I do, when I step back she catches her breath and stands back up. "The hell was that you dip shit!?" she growls as she grabs me by the ear and pulls me down to her level which is almost a foot shorter than me. "Ah! Ah! Ah! I'm sorry! Remember what Uncle said about pulling my ears!" I cry as she nearly pulls it off, Ryuko rolls her eyes and releases me. She steps back away from me and crosses her arms in annoyance, expecting an explanation about my attack. Like I said before, this is my sister Ryuko, well.... adoptive sister. Neither of us know who our parents were but we were both taken in by an older man who raised us, fed us, took care of us and loved us as if we were his children despite the fact that we call him Uncle. She's not like most girls, where most like to dress feminine and don't like to be too loud, rude or aggressive, she's the opposite. She wears clothes almost just like the ones I do when I'm not in school, yells and curses more obscenely than I do and is the definition of aggressive when she's angry. But even despite her as some people would call it "tomboy-ish" nature, she's still a fairly beautiful girl that I'd be pretty attracted to if she wasn't my sister. Her black hair is cut shorter than most with a single red stripe in it, a cute face with ocean blue eyes and although she wears a jacket that I used to wear when I was younger and smaller, she has a slightly curvy figure. And as always, she has her signature guitar case strapped to her back but it doesn't have a guitar in it, it has her kendo training sword that for some reason, she carries almost everywhere with her.

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