Yay today we get to watch Big Hero 6 at school yay. That movie was pretty trucking sad. I was all like "WHAT!? TADASHI DIED??? NO! NO! NIOOOOO!" I was like seriously upset. :] but I don't care anymore. I'm friggin tired because I woke up at like three cuz I got thirsty and then I like couldn't sleep and like 5 minutes after I closed my eyes my alarm went off. LIKE F OFF ALARM JUST LET ME FRIGGIN SLEEP! Omg and SBAC scares the me. It reminds me of like military school. We had to take a practice test and the assistant principal hovered over us like a hawk. Nobody likes her. Last year she went up on stage during lunch and yelled at us "I SEE W DRESS CODE VIOLATION HERREEE!" And she took like 3 girls made them wear really ugly green shirts and wasted their recess. They were like seriously angry. The shirts smelt like barf. OKAI I'm just snuggled in my blanket with my stupid runny nose and I keep sneezing. I'm not sick =_= I'm just runny. And tissue got in my nose so I keep sneezing. I sneezed on my phone :( it was rancid.
Randomness from Mrs random queen
RandomIdk random stuff about me, I guess you can read my trash and junk