It was so fun, other than the morning.
We were "writing" our state opinion passages and we were all smushed into this table where it was Me, Ramsey, Natalia, Ashleey, Carli and Maceo and I was at the other table but I was super close to them. And we were all making funny faces. And I swear I was gonna explode, because we were all making mouse faces or the face where you pull your top lip in and it shows your teeth. And then Maceo's lip got stuck and it looked so weird. And he was just looking around confused. and he was all like "Oh crap, it's stuck. I I can't get it out. Agh." and we started laughing and then Ramsey suddenly came back crying and we were like WHAT!? WHATS WRONG!?? And then she got up and told on us. But I didn't get in trouble because I was confused and I got up to ask for help. Lol and then we went to the library. We kept looking at Barbie books and laughing at all the pictures. Then me and this other girl Joyce went to the floor and started reading I Spy books. And then Carli, Natalia, Ashleey, and Avery came to the floor and we were all reading and then suddenly this guy named Aidan came up and stuck his butt in our faces and we were just like. "WTF WHATSTATWTWTEGET." And then we started rolling and crawling around on the floor, and we didn't even get in trouble. I randomly crawled under a table and nobody noticed me. Oh and when we got back it was the best. So we came in. Buy I had to go to the bathroom so I left and then I came back. And my desk was a mess. And there was a Utah book on my desk and I was like. "WHI HAS UTAH NOBODG AT MY TABLE HAS UTAH!" And then I asked Carli and I was like "Di you know who has Youtahb." and she was like "YouTube!?" And we started laughing and then I asked Ashleey and she was like. "Oh that's Maceo's" and I was like "WHATATATWTWTEFEG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" And I threw the book on his desk. And my book was on his desk. So I cleaned my desk and junk. Then Carli kept twerking in the back of the room. Lol and my teacher was like "Carli- oh.." Cuz Carli was twerking then she went down really quick and started touching the ground. And we all started laughing. Then we started playing Silent ball and I missed the ball because it went to high and all the guys were like "ELISE YOURE OUT GET OUT WE HATE YOUUUU" And luckily all the girls defended me and were like. "THERE WAS NO WAY SHE COUKD IF CAUGHT THAT." because it literally rolled on the ceiling. So I ended up staying in. And then Maceo sat next to me -_- He just ran in and jumped onto the desk next to me and I was like "Really!?!??!" And then Natalia aimed it at me but he was in my way. But then I gave up because the throw was to short and then he swatted it to the floor. And I was like "Da heck!?" And he got out. And then later he said he was trying 'block' me. And then we went home :> that was my day yesterday :> OK BYE!
Randomness from Mrs random queen
RandomIdk random stuff about me, I guess you can read my trash and junk