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Small ass

Hey Michael

Jeremy told me to check on you

He said you stormed off

Tall ass with glasses

I'm fine


Are Jeremy and Christine dating?

Fuck no

He doesn't have the balls to ask her out


Just asking


I don't believe that


"Mr. Mell please put your phone away."

"Yes Mrs. Soo."

Even without his phone he wasn't paying much attention. Instead he doodled Pac-Man's all over his notebook. Only because it was the easiest thing to draw. 

He sighed. 'Even if they aren't dating, they kissed. That must have meant something.' Kind of like how Jeremy and him kissed back in middle school and their braces bands got stuck together.

That was a very long and awkward day for Mr. Heere.

You know, it sucked having a crush on your best friend because they were out of sync. The reason Jeremy kissed him back in middle school is because he liked him.

But it was weird. 

"I mean you're my best friend, Jer. I just don't want things to be weird between us."

Jeremy smile dropped a little before shrugging it off. "It's okay Micha! I understand!"

Everything was okay until Christine Canigula came into the picture. Perfect, sweet, beautiful, Christine.

At first Michael was relieved that he would have Jeremy back as his player 2 and not as this geek that crushed on him. Until he saw how she made him feel. He would get all flustered, his face would turn red. He looked lovestruck.

That's how he used to be around me.

That was back in middle school. High school was worse. In the first two years, Michael realized he was gay. Not just gay, but gay for his best friend. Gay for Jeremy.

He told him this during one of their afterschool hangouts.

"Hey Jer?"


"I'm gay."

"..." Jeremy looked over at him trying to hold back a smile, "I thought you were American."

They burst out laughing.

"I'm serious."

"I'm Jeremy,"

"I'm dad."

Jeremy rolled his eyes and Michael paused the game. They both turned back to see Mr. Heere standing in the doorway. 

"I just came up to tell you boys there's pizza downstairs if you get hungry."

"Yeah. Okay dad."

They turned back around. Michael unpaused the game.

"Gay, huh?"


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