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Maybe if I had reacted differently, things could've worked out. We could've still been friends.

None of this is Jeremy's fault. It's mine. If I hadn't gone to Jeremy's house automatically and told him that I wanted to talk to him. We would be okay..

If I had reacted differently, things would've worked out.

If I had reacted differently, things would've worked out.

If I had reacted differently, things would've worked out.

If I had reacted differently-

His alarm went off. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

It's been four weeks since Michael went to Jeremy's house.

He's felt like shit every day ever since. Meanwhile Jeremy looks like he's having the time of his life.

He sees him at school. In the hallways laughing, at the cafeteria with Rich, going to rehearsal hand in hand with Christine.

Sometimes Michael drives to Jeremy's house. Well, drives past anyway.

A place he was always welcomed to. Always feeling like a second home, now feels like a war zone. A battlefield where his ghost was the only thing that made it out alive.

He turns off his alarm.

Is it really worth going to school if he knows all he's going to do is suffer seeing his friend so close to him, but not being able to reach out.

No. It's not.

He stayed in bed. Told his mom's he felt sick. Which wasn't entirely a lie. He felt like shit.

He hadn't exactly been sleeping. Every night his dreams take him back to Jeremy's house.

Every night, the emotions come flooding back to him in his dream state. Anger. Pain.

Every night, he would wake up. Not wanting to go back to sleep in fear of their ghosts hauting him.

Every night his heavy heart took over, breaking night after night, repeating the same words every night.

If I had reacted differently, things would've worked out.

He laid in bed until five. Every now and then his phone would ping. He turned the screen downwards and closed his eyes.

If I had the balls, I could text him and maybe I'd bring me peace.

He grunted sitting up. He looked around the room. Even four weeks after he took everything off his walls, shelves, and floor, it still took him by surprise.

His stomach growled. He sighed and made his way downstairs. When he got to the bottom step he took a seat. It was stupid to be drained after going down some stairs. But life drains you. Problems drain you.

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