his goodbye song

184 4 22

tw: mentions of suicide

Michael George Mell took his life on April 9th at 5.53am.


How does one prepare themselves for the death of someone they thought was getting better?

Dr. Miranda made his way to the living room. His wife was seated in front of the television shaking her head. He poured himself some coffee, and took a seat next to her.

"The young man was identified as Michael Mell," He furrowed his eyebrows. What was Michael doing on TV? "What happened?"

"The poor kid took his life on Broadway," His wife said frowning. "His parents must feel awful seeing this."

He felt his heart fall into his stomach.

Did his parents know? He had to know. He went back to his room to look for his phone.

I could have sworn that I had it here.

He spotted it on the floor. He quickly picked it up and saw 2 missed calls and a voicemail from Michael. He listened to the voice of a ghost.

"Hey Dr. Miranda. Um. I know you're probably busy helping people that actually have a chance of moving forward. I know I've been.. Slacking on our sessions. It's just been hard to do anything and everything. But I talked to Jeremy, and you were right, it was good. It made things better for a few minutes. Until the universe decided to show me everything I've missed out on. Everything I had with him was gone. And to tell you the truth, everything's been a lot harder without him. Because I only have a memory of him, everyone will only have a memory of me. And I know that sounds hella angsty," Michael chuckled. "but in a way it's the truth you know? Anyway thank you for everything. I hope you don't feel that I've wasted you're time, cause you really did help me! Just- not in the long run." Michael's end of the line went silent and then the voicemail ended.

If only he'd answered he could've helped him. Michael could've still been here.

He sat back on his bed, putting his head in his hands.

He could've saved him.


How does one prepare themselves for the death of the child they brought into their home?

The Mell household was silent.

It seemed surreal to see live footage a bystander took of their son jumping from a building in New York on the news. It felt like a long nightmare the two older women were sharing.

Genevieve read Michael's note over and over. Trying to find something that could possibly lead them to seeing where they went wrong, but Michael might has well left without saying anything.

hey moms. i don't think there's really any way to say goodbye without hurting you. by the time you read this i will be dead. i've been struggling with everything for the last year. you both say to keep my head up. and i've tried! i really have. but keeping my head up and trying to be the same kid you adopted years ago is exhausting, and feels like i'm dragging around a corpse. please know neither one of you is to blame. i'm the one to blame for my unfortunate choices. sometimes, people don't get happy cause they feel like they don't deserve to be. you two deserve to be happy. more than anyone i know. i hope you two can forgive me and move on. thank you for giving me a good life while i let myself have one. i will forever hold you both in my heart. i love you always.

oh one more thing. sorry to disappoint you for not being sentimental in this last part, i just have one last wish from beyond the grave. if you're both comfortable with it, will you gift jeremy my pt cruiser. he is getting/ has gotten his license and is currently driving in his father's minivan.

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