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tw: mentions of suicide


He dropped out of school.

It wasn't anything like in the movies where the main character goes on to pursue something greater than the school system could offer them.

It was boring.

He hadn't talked to any of his old friends since- he couldn't even remember. It's been months since he went outside, let alone left the house.

He couldn't leave. He knew that if he went outside he'd want to drive. If he drove he'd end up at Jeremy's house and how pathetic would he look showing up at Jeremy's house after all this.

So he stayed indoors. He slept. He listened to music until his phone died.

It was boring.


His door opened. He sat up hoping to see Jeremy. His face fell.



"What are you doing here?"

She looked around his room with a bored expression. "You disappear off the face of the earth and you think we're not gonna come and see if you're still alive?"


"Oh yeah," She walked in and sat on a pile of clothes on the floor. "Barbra and Adam said you were still alive. Jared tried to track you from your ip address but could only get so far. We found your old smoking buddy Jimmy or whatever and Connor scared him into giving him your address. Evan only contributed by getting snacks."

He could hear Jared's obnoxious laugh from downstairs. "I didn't think anyone cared."

Lydia scoffed and got up. "Don't let Evan here you say that or he'll go into his little 'you're not alone. you will be found' speech."

"Hey!" Evan peeked his head in. He looked offended. "That speech helped a lot of people."

"Hansen, move your ass!" Jared pushed Evan out of the way and slammed the door open. Michael winced. "Your room looks like shit." Jared announced with a broad smile.

Connor stood behind him leaning on the wall. He rolled his eyes.

"Even the dead are high maintenance," Lydia said opening the blinds. Michael groaned and covered his eyes.

"That's because you live with the preppy suburban ghosts Lydia."

"Shut up Kleinman."

Connor grabbed Michael's hands. "Come on."

"Where are we going?"

"Away from here"

"Your mom's, they're very sweet by the way, they said that you haven't left your room in a while. Which isn't a problem. We definitely don't have a problem with it we just want you to live your life to the fullest. You know we always have your back and we lo-"

"What Hansen is trying to say is you need to stop being a loser and live a little."

"I'm not even dressed"

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