Chapter 11 - Clandestine

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Mabel hopped into the truck her heart still beating loudly in her chest. Only now did she even become aware of the possibility that Pacifica and Dipper could have seen everything! Mind you Julian was in between her and the car facing her. Therefore he would have obstructed most of the view. But he had turned around with that silly cute grin on his face. Crud Muffins! Dipper on the driver's side may or may not have seen it but there was no way Pacifica had missed it...or she was just being paranoid and no one saw anything...yeah...maybe she got lucky. She looked up to see Pacifica smirking back at her widely in the rearview mirror. Son of biscuit eater she silently seethed!

It was only now that Mabel had realized Dipper had been blabbering on about something ridiculous for the last block and a half. What was he even talking about?!? Dipper forged on ahead..." so due to the earth's magnetic field which is sustained from the iron core turning inside the earth's mantle or crust, it creates the magnetized fields that surround the earth. These fields cause dust particles in high orbit to align or polarize and thus protect us from harmful radiation from space." Mabel had all but tuned him out at this point as a dreamy look drifted over her face as she thought about Julian.

Dipper cleared his throat. "So how goes the hunt so far Mabel?" She was drawn out of her dreamy reverie back into reality. She filled him in on what she knew so far. Then she played back the audio from the recording. Dipper listened intently to everything she said. "That was really smart Mabel. Good thinking with the audio recording. Dipper pulled into a parking spot by her dorm room and shut the headlights off as he parked the car. Dipper and Pacifica walked to the door as Mabel pulled out her keys. She opened the door to her apartment and turned the lights on. Mabel put her purse on the table. Pacifica now looked surprised as she frowned. "Dipper darling, I forgot my purse in the car. It should be on the floor on my side. Dipper nodded. She got the door holding it for Dipper. Mabel now realizing she was trapped alone with Pacifica made to chase quickly follow after Dipper.

Pacifica shut the door before she could escape barring her path. An amused smile crept across her face. Mabel swallowed nervously as she backed up feeling cornered now. "So tell me all about Mr. broad shoulders and dark dreamy hair. I saw you kiss his cheek." Mabel blushed.

Dipper came back just in time saving her from the guillotine. Pacifica thanked Dipper and kissed him softly on the cheek. He smiled at her. Pacifica asked, "would I be the worst fiance ever if I asked you to get me a mineral water drink from the vending machine I saw near the entrance. It's the blue one with all the other specialty waters. Dipper smilled. "It'll cost you a kiss," he said slyly. Pacifica draped her arms around his neck as she kissed him passionately. Mabel now realizing she was cornered again said, "Do you need any help finding that vending machine?"

Dipper now turned to face her with Pacifica in his arms. "I saw the vending machine its all good." He now looked at her oddly. "Why are you acting so weird and squirrely though. Did you get into some smile dip or something?" Mabel decided to fold her losses. Better to get stuck with Pacifica than have to have the battle on both fronts. Besides with Dipper, it would be an all-out war with nuclear retaliation know how protective he was of her.

"I just really missed the two of you and it's good to have the gang back together," Mabel said putting on what she hoped was her normal smile. Dipper affectionately smiled at her. "I missed you too Mabes." Dipper hugged Mabel then said as he left. "I'll be right back don't do anything too rash while I'm gone. The door shut and Mabel fell backward onto her bed with a loud protesting groan of a sigh combined with a whine. Pacifica laughed as she jumped up onto the bed next to Mabel leaning against her pillow.

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