Chapter 15 - Intervention Dukes of Hazzard Style

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Later that evening Mabel went missing again when she never came back from her duties. Dipper beat his head against his truck in frustration. But then as a sudden stroke of genius he remembered she had taken her phone with her before she left! He had given it to her in the parking lot before she zoomed off. Dipper pulled out his phone while Pacifica watched with growing concern for the cheerful brunette as well. Dipper launched the app for the Geotags. He would have to get her a necklace or something in the future. That way the tag would always be on her he thought to himself. He could get one as well then they could track each other if anything happened...which it seemed like something always did.

The map pulled up as its location refreshed. It dropped a pin on her location at the Sigma Delta Sigma sorority house. "Bingo!" said Dipper enthusiastically. "Looks like Mabel is on recall. The virus probably has run its course. Let me call Julian. Maybe he can help."

Dipper called Julian who had given him his phone number in case anything happen to Mabel again. Julian picked up, "Hey Dipper what's up?" Dipper sighed. "Mabel has returned to the Sigma Delta Sigma sorority house. We need to get her back. I just talked with my Great uncle and he has been able to isolate the virus mutagen and create a formula that will trigger the body to create antibodies that will attack the virus." Julian's voice sounded excited. "Excellent! That's great news." Dipper said, "That's only half the fight. She's stronger than ever now and she has a whole house of sorority girls that probably have the same virus."

Julian said, "I'll be at the dorm in 5 minutes I just have to pack up some equipment." Dipper nodded mechanically out of habit despite that Julian could not see him. "We'll see you when you get here," Dipper said. "See you then," Julian said before hanging up. About five minutes later Julian's Doge challenger pulled up with its throaty resonant engine sound before he turned the keys in the ignition to the off position and popped the trunk. He waved Dipper and Pacifica over. Grunkle Stan and great uncle Ford walked over as well to see what Julian had to show.

Julian cleared his throat, "This virus is almost like some kind of vampire strain. It literally makes them crave blood, and they grow a set of retractable hollow fangs just behind the upper canines. They retract back into the gums and allow them to drain blood from a host." Pacifica turned her nose up in distaste. Julian continued. "They also have concerningly strong strength and speed like lightning. The virus basically amplifies everything the host has to begin with. So in Mabel's case, she cares a great deal about animals so apparently she has been rescuing them all over the county. 

Dipper looked concerned. He asked, "So will she no longer be Mabel anymore?" Julian shook his head. "I don't have a lot to go on but based on what Dr. Ford has told me about the virus it will just alter her. She should retain her personality. At first, it should just amplify her strengths. Unfortunately, that is not the end of the mutation. Eventually, she will be drawn back to the sorority house where she will become a new pledge. This is what has been happening to everyone that has gone missing. She will still be Mabel but she will be devoted to being a vampire and part of the sorority."

Julian put up his index finger for emphasis. "But like all vampires their weakness is silver. I have already created some countermeasures." Julian pulled out some silver chains as well as a bat that had a silver core in it.

Dipper's face registered fascination followed by respect. "I didn't know anyone else was into this kind of stuff," he said with a grin. Julian looked at him with a stoic expression. "I'm into survival." Dipper pointed at a rather large black cannon-like gun with a handle and reticle on the top rail. "What is that?" Julian smilled. "That is the nail in the coffin." He said with a sly grin. Dipper smirked at the pun. "It's kind of like a professional glitter cannon has some pretty hefty dispersion ranges." Dipper said, "How does a rave party with bloodthirsty sorority girls help keep us alive." Julian laughed. "I replaced the glitter with ultra-fine powdered silver." All four adults around the car made sounds of recognition and agreement.

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