Chapter 16 - Truth

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Mabel stirred coming back to reality. It was like returning out of a dream or a long dark tunnel. The light was jarring and Mabel blinked back the brightness as she sat up. That was when she noticed someone was holding her hand. She looked down seeing Julian next to the bed in a chair smiling at her. She could get lost in that ruggedly handsome smile. His dark hair covered part of his face before it hung down and terminated in the white tips. She wondered how he got the tips so white. It was supposed to be hard to get true white even when you strip the hair and treat it.

"How are you feeling?" Julian asked. Mabel sat up all the way with a smile feeling his fingers in hers pleasantly that sent shivers down her spine and butterflies in her stomach. "Actually...I'm feeling great," Mabel said.  Heather waved at her from across the room with a happy smile. With her free hand, Mabel waved back at her. Turning back to Julian she swung her legs down pointedly around his. She noted with some satisfaction the sharp intake of breath as she took him by surprise. She grinned from ear to ear. She then realized she was not wearing her Tinkerbell outfit. She looked at Julian pointedly. "Who changed me into my pajamas." His eyes grew wide. "N-not me! P-Pacifica took care of that while Dipper and I stood outside." He said his cheeks blushing bright crimson. Mabel's eyes sparkled with amusement as they flashed between both of his rapidly.

Julian stood up taking Mabel by surprise as he let her hand go softly. "I should be going," He said giving her one last look filled with deep longing and sadness. Why was he conflicted? Why did he have such sadness within him?!? Why was he holding back she wondered? He turned to go.

Mabel reached out and took his hand standing up she turned him around. She looked up into his eyes, the sadness within them threatened to overwhelm her emotions. "Why do you carry such sadness within you, Julian?" She reached up putting a soft hand on his face her eyes searching out his. "I could take it away...if you would just let me in." A tear ran down his face.

"Don't leave me again," she whispered. Julian smiled at her wistfully. "I never left completely. I have always cared about you." His eyes took on the burden of sadness once again, "That's why I stayed away." He smiled now as he looked down at her pacing a hand softly on her shoulder. "I have only ever loved one girl. That girl is you, Mabel...But I'm not the kind of man you would be proud of," he said. He started to turn to go.

Mabel was now hot with tears of anger and hurt in her eyes. She pulled his hand back forcefully, "Now you listen to me..." she said a dangerous tone in her voice as she choked back the emotional tidal wave that threatened to rupture the dam that was her sense of order. She choked back a sob not caring that Heather was now starring at them with worry in her eyes. "How can you say that after everything you have done for me?!?" Her eyes pierced into his conveying the depth of her conviction and fierce resolution.

Julian brushed an errant stray strand of her lovely rich brown wavey hair over her ear. "It's not what I've done now," he said softly his eyes held nothing but love and compassion in them as he said it. "It's what I have done to you in the past. I can't keep hurting you, Mabel. I want to do better." With tears flowing down her face now Mabel looked up at him. "Then stay," she said softly but desperately. "I don't want you to leave Julian." Mabel took his other hand now too. He ran a soft hand through her hair as his hand trembled.

Mabel smiled up at him. "I don't mind the banter. It's invigorating." Julian smiled, "I have known you a lot longer than that." Mabel now confused asked, "How? This is my first year at the university." Julian watched her eyes carefully as he asked the next question. "You really don't recognize me?" He smiled at her with love and enduring compassion. "You already know me. You have since we were children." He chuckled and smiled at her playfully. "You used to despise me."

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