Chapter 1

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Victoria Pov

I opened my tired eyes and see the white ceiling that had a little dust in it. I slowed got up and sat on the bed pushing away the hair now in my face. I yawned wiping away the slabber on my cheek making my way to the side of my bed. I hoped down the bed making me lose my balance and fall on my behind. I groan but got up and headed to the bathroom. I saw the bathroom light on and see Yuu brushing his teeth.

He notices me and takes my purple toothbrush and hands it to me. I grab it with my tanned grubby hands and lend out my other hand for him to pass the toothpaste. He gives it to me and put the right amount of toothpaste on my toothbrush. I immediately started brushing my teeth for about two minutes. Yuu was done before me and was now fixing his hair. I was down and stood on the stool and spit out the foam and clean my toothbrush. Yuu pass me the brush and I started brushing my hair and occasionally him helping me get the knots out of my hair.

We both walk out of the bathroom and I headed to my room to get change. I took off my t-shirt and put on a button-up shirt and tucked it in into my old navy blue skirt. I ran out of another room heading to the kitchen which Yuu was making me a bowl of cereal. I got on the chair and he place the bowel right in front of me. I started eating but notice Yuu was wearing his uniform.

"Are you going on another mission?" I ask him looking back at me.

"Yup Guren sending us to take out a couple of vampires base and then a few nobles" Yuu gave a smile as he took a bite out of his toast.

"Please don't die" I muttered. It seems I wasn't quiet because he walk up to me and pats my head.

"Don't worry Victoria I always come back" He gives gentle smile. I hug him and he hugs me back gently rubbing my back.

We stay like that for a bit.

Time skip

I and Yuu walk down the halls after finishing our breakfast. We both hear a commotion that we were both familiar with. I smiled and run to where the commotion was and I see Mitsuba trying to fight with Kimizuki.

"I didn't know you were the boss?" Mitsuba yelled at Kimizuki.

"You crash the car! You and Yuu can not be trusted anywhere near care" Kimizuki yelled back. I see Yoichi trying to calm down the situation while Shinoa was enjoying the show. I giggle hoped down to where they were.

"Hey!" I yelled. They stop fighting and walk up to me.

"How you doing squirt" Mitsuba said picking me up and gave me a big hug. I pretend I couldn't breathe which made her chuckle as she set me down. 

"You grew taller! Your only 10 but you look 13." Shinoa said patting my head.

"It's just a growing Shinoa you wouldn't understand" I gave her a sly smile. She gasps pinch my cheeks.

"I just 16 I grow eventually!" We both giggle and but eventually, she lets go. She rubs my hair which made my hair all messy.

"Shinoa stops messing up Victoria's hair it took me 10 minutes to fix it! Yuu yelled finally getting to us. Shinoa giggles and stick her tongue out at him. He glares at her but lets it go. He comes up to me and fixes my hair that it doesn't look messy.

"I'm surprised you know how to do hair since you leave your hair looking like a complete mess" Kimizuki said. Yuu glares at him but Yuu puts both of his hands on his hips "I have experienced with doing hair I have you know."

"Sure" Kimizuki crosses his hand making Yuu smile.

"Do you want my fist in your face" Yuu raises his fist to Kimizuki?

"Try let see what happens" Kimizuki grinned. I and Shinoa giggle at their antics while Mitsuba just watches and Yoichi tries to calm them down.

"Hey stop guffing around you have a mission" I hear a familiar voice. I turn my head to see Guren with his squad. The two stop fighting and lined up.

"You know the mission you all should have left by now. . .oh Victoria didn't see you there" Guren said putting one of hand inside his pocket and the other patting me on the head. I smiled at his action because it was making Yuu piss off.

"Hey, Guren I just five her hair you know tangled her hair can get!" Yuu yelled.

"Calm down it's just hair and I remember that her hair grows back quickly" He grins at Yuu which Yuu glares back.

"Alright all of you start heading out" Guren said walking away from us and heading somewhere in the distance. The squad started walking away and the argument of who gets to drive started again. I felt worried because this was their first big mission. I guess I didn't notice that Yuu came back and patted my head.

"Remember what I told you, I always come back" He patted my hair. It brought ease to my worries that I didn't noticed that the squad came up to us. They bend down and gave a group hug. They let go and all of them patted my head wave goodbye to me. I wave back to them giving them my biggest smile. That was when I saw them get in the car and drive off until I could no longer see them.

"Now it's time for an adventure"

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