Chapter 15

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Victoria Pov

"Damn you!"

I jumped back by Lord Urd's outburst. He clenched his fist glaring at Yuu with anger. Yuu stared back at him with a sad look. His smile falters as he gazes into the man's eyes. 'Is he that...pity?' I gasp seeing Yuu care about a vampire's emotion.

"I'm sorry Lord Urd. You must have suffered greatly" Yuu paused for a moment. He was going to speak but Les cut him off.

"Shut your mouth you have no right to speak! You cause our Lord to suffer for far too long. You will die" Les scowled and grabbed his weapon. I immediately stood in front of the screen.

"You promise me! Going back on your word!" I yelled.

"How can you protect him. He took you away from your father!" I saw Ky shake his head clicking his tongue. "They must have brainwashed you" he muttered leaning himself on the concrete wall.

"If I was so important then why didn't you search for me. It seems like when I went missing you only look for a bit before going back to Russia. A real father wouldn't leave the area until his children were found. You have no right to place the title as father!" the room became silent. Urd said nothing he just stare at me. I couldn't read him I assume he was emotionless. He turn and headed out the door but stopped.

"If you wish to....stay go ahead. When you are done you will be escorted to your room" he open the door and left. The two look at me with disbelief before following behind Lord Urd. I sigh in relief but Kimizuki spoke.

"Hmm family huh. If we were family wouldn't it be best to tell us our youngest member is a vampire?" I hear him say making my breath hitch. 'No, I'm not a vampire! I'm human. Maybe Yuu trying to sacrifice himself again'  I thought. I see Yuu looks at him, and he shakes his head.

"No, she is not a full vampire. She half. She did drink my blood before but she didn't turn. She is an odd case...and I haven't figured it out yet. Don't worry guys I'll give you all an answer....soon....maybe" he muttered that last part. My breath hitched 'so all of that was true' I bit my lip clenching my fist. "Victoria I'm sorry I didn't tell you this. I was going to tell you when you were 16 but...we got caught" he nervously chuckled.

"So your not going to give an apology to us?" Kimizuki raises this brow. I could already see he was getting pissed off.

"Why would I" Yuu gave him a confused stare. I was also confused but remained silent.

"I don't maybe she is half-vampire, or you don't trust us, and the biggest reason we killed her kind right in front of her! I don't know if you stop to think but I would be messed up if I was taken to the other side and see my kind be killed!" Kimizuki was yelling which shook me up a bit.

"I kept her away from the battles!"

"Sure you did. How do you think we ended up here!"

The two began arguing with each other making the other members sigh. Shinoa turns to face me making me back up a little.

"At ease" she chuckled making me lighten up but the atmosphere changed. It was like she was wary of me. No Shinoa would never. "Since we're probably going to argue like this I think it best if you head back to your room." She gave a small smile. I wanted to respond but she gave me a look. I guess this was too much information for her. I nodded and said my goodbyes. I headed toward the door and left the room.

"Are you done in their princess?" One vampire guard said. I nodded and heard him say. "As you know I'm here to escort you back to your room" I nodded and followed him into the hallway. It didn't take very long and before I knew it I was back in my room.

I decided to take off my shoes and plop down on the bed.

Too much information for the day. It is best to sleep. And my eyes close.

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