Chapter 3

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Victoria Pov

My mouth was agape as I look up to see Yuu. I wanted to say something but nothing came out. I felt everyone's eye on me making me resemble in fear.

"Damn livestock" I look behind me and see that vampire that was trying to grab me earlier. He reaches towards me which tears come out of my eyes. I hear Yuu yell behind me and all I could do was stare at the vampire.

"Get away from her vampire" Mitsuba kicks the vampire away and launches herself at him. The man block with his sword but it was useless as Mitsuba broke through his sword and cut him in half. She looks at me and runs towards me knee down to see if I was hurt.

"What are you doing here Victoria!? You're supposed to be at home! What were you thinking! " Mitsuba cupped my cheek. I said nothing and held back my tears but a few fell down my cheeks. Mitsuba stops questioning me and frowns and pats my head. I didn't realize Shinoa, Yoichi, and Kimizuki ran up to us. Mitsuba embraces me and picks me up and holding her axe in one hand. The other form a circle around us so Mitsuba could take me away.

"My my my we have a show here~" I see a silver hair voice walk up to the scene. I notice a smug smirk on his face and was taking in the scene in front of him.

"Shinoa I think that a noble," Yoichi said aiming his bow at the vampire noble who was smiling at our group. He scanned the area when his eyes met Yuu and the blonde vampire.

"My little Yuu are you hurting your family" He giggles as Yuu give him a death glare that could kill. He immediately stops and takes his sword out of the blonde hair vampire and back away. Kimizuki ran up to them and attack the blonde guy. You yelled stop but Kimizuki didn't listen but the blonde guy jump back dodges Kimizuki's attack. The guys hold his chest where Yuu stabbed him but in a matter of seconds, his wound was all healed.

I gasp but close my mouth when I saw the vampire noble eye lay on me. His eyes widened and his smirk turned into an oval shape but quickly went back into a smirk.

"I never thought I meet the lost treasure" The silver hair man said taking out his sword and walking forward.

"Did I miss much?" I hear someone say. I couldn't see who until three vampires appeared. One which is a mix of red and black another with blonde and the last one with purple.

"Crowley is so nice to see! To be honest, the fun is just starting" I was confused when the silver hair vampire put his sword back into his holster. He put his finger to his chin and tap on it he then looks up at us.

"We're going to play a new game, Crowley. We take the humans alive except for the little lost lamb Yuichiro and that girl who is being held by that blonde human." The silver hair man points at me which made me hold onto Mitsuba tighter. I felt Mitsuba's grip tighten on me.

"Everyone retreat!" Guren yelled. You look at him yelling at him he could leave his family. I look at the blonde hair vampire who finally got up and was speaking to the silver hair vampire.

'Yuu's family?'

Yuu looks back at me and his group he bit his lip and finally agreed to retreat. We all started running when the silver hair vampire got in front of Yuu. He yelled at him and started swinging his katana around trying to strike the vampire down. He kept getting farther and farther making me feel more scared than I ever was before.

'Yuu come back!'

"Hello livestock" Mitsuba stopped and held her axe in front of her.

'His name is Crowley'

"Sorry, but I will be taking that girl from you" He points at me making a tremble in Mitsuba's grasp. The two women appear right beside Crowley and had their weapons out. Shinoa, Yoichi, and Kimizuki went forward going into a defensive formation.

"This might be fun after" Crowley like his lips his two companions run towards us. Yoichi shot at them first the purple hair one block while the blonde hair one dodge. She launch her whip at Kimizuki and got a hold of his legs and pulled him away from us. Yoichi kept firing at the purple hair lady who look to be toying with him. I saw Shinoa block one of Crowley's attacks but look back when a family raven hair boy was launched into a building.

"Yuu!" Shinoa yelled but focused her attention on Crowley but it was already too late.

"Keep your eye on the enemy" He put his finger up and flick Shinoa's forehead which made her go down. He looks up at Mitsuba who backs away.

"Would you be so kind to give me the child" he lends out his hand? Mitsuba back away which made him frown.

"Alright but your efforts will all be in vain" Crowley walks towards us. Mitsuba quickly ran away but he appeared in front of us.

"Do you think you could run?" Crowley chuckled.

"Yes," Mitsuba kicked him in the balls and ran pass him. He groans in pain and halted at us. The purple hair vampire notice and yelled at Mitsuba for kicking Crowley in the balls.

"Get out of my way!" Mitsuba jumps up and came down on the purple hair vampire face. Mistuba grabs Yoichi and started dragging him away. Yoichi got onto his feet after a few seconds and Mistuba made her to the blonde hair vampire. She mattered something and marking started appearing on her face. She was towards the blonde vampire with incredible speeds and kick her in the stomach. The women groan in pain when but Mitsuba wasn't done as she held her first and punch the woman in the face. She got launched into a surprising building.

"You got them!" Mitsuba yelled to Yoichi. Yoichi was carrying Kimizuki and Shinoa who were ready to run. Mitsuba and Yoichi we're about to head out when the three appeared in front of us looking pissed off.

"That wasn't nice you should learn some manners," The blonde hair women said.

"Hey, you three should learn some manners to you know. Like who shows children their cleavage at least have the decently to cover your chest here. This ain't no whore house." Mitsuba said giving her a smug smile. Me and Yoichi so while the vampire seems to be more pissed off.

"You're all going to die" the purple hair girl said who still had a mark on Mitsuba's boot.

Mitsuba and Yoichi got into a defensive stance when the ground started to shake and the atmosphere change. Like a reddish started coming but we jumped when we heard this blood-curdling scream from the distance. The building seems to be blown away when a big slice cuts through several buildings.

"What was that," Mitsuba said holding me closer. I close my eye and open them again to see most of the building gone and see a black cloud of something moving closer to the center. I saw a figure around the cloud that just moving slowly. I saw the clouds start to move away but what I saw left me speechless.


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