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_________________________________(BOOM! BOOM! BANG!) Explosions rained down from the sky like hellfire! The sky, dyed a crimson blood red, as if it were bleeding from the heavy violence

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(BOOM! BOOM! BANG!) Explosions rained down from the sky like hellfire! The sky, dyed a crimson blood red, as if it were bleeding from the heavy violence. The screams of the people piercing the eardrums like a melancholic melody of the massacre unfolding before his eyes. The sky grew dark, covered by thousands upon thousands of soldiers descending upon their prey. Gunfire exploded upon the people below. Guns, specially modified to kill the Melanin race. A people who possessed strong bodies and special abilities, adequately dubbed as Qudra!

The ground began to rumble, as he saw in the distance, armoured tanks. More than he could count! The airborne assault in the shape of countless men, landed, laying waste to his people. That's when he noticed it. They weren't killing all of them. No, some would be spared the sweet release of death. Rather, they were shackled, chained and shipped away to a fate worse than death. In that moment, a despicable sight garnered his glare. He saw one soldier bearing down his filthy boot on a little girl's face, forcing her head into the dirt.

"I don't see any difference between the colour of your face and this here dirt, you fit right in, it's where your kind belongs, under my boot writhing in the mud!" the soldier said smugly. The soldier, then looked up and saw a man about to burst with outrage.
"Ahhh... Jinto." he announced.

Jinto was full of too much fury to question why this soldier knew his name. He only had one thing on his mind "I'll kill them ALL!" he roared! His body was fuelled by a savage temper! Dark- orange flames began to emerge from Jinto's body, a manifestation of his wrath!

"This is one of the reasons why your kind can't be left to live, you're dangerous animals that need to be subdued and put to work. Lest we put you down for the betterment of mankind entirely!" the soldier scoffed, as he pointed his gun at Jinto. Bullets raced towards him, simply melting like hot butter in a frying pan upon contact with Jinto's flames. The infernal warrior dashed forward and in the blink of an eye his hand had engulfed the soldier's face, slamming him into the ground!

The soldier wailed in agony, as a vindictive, vengeful smile laced Jinto's face "Oh? What's wrong? I thought I was a wild animal that needed to be put down?" the vessel of vengeance mocked, slowly increasing the temperature of his hand, scorching the man's face until it was nothing but a singed mess. Jinto abruptly looked at the girl "Get out of here hurry!" he commanded.

"Where are my parents!?" the girl replied.

"Hmmmm." the fiery fighter thought for a second, before saying "I'll help you find your parents if you promise me you'll get to safety?" she nodded in agreement. The tamer of flames made a flame doppelgänger of himself which picked up the girl. She winced in anticipation of getting burnt from the ephemeral flame clone but to her astonishment, it did not burn, but felt warm and comforting.

She buried her face into its chest as it began to dart off, Jinto smiled and headed in the opposite direction. Towards the army who'd come to disgrace, humiliate, eradicate and enslave his people. All of his people were either shipped away or dead. He stood alone. One man. Who was the last bastion between freedom, or an utter erasure from the pages of history. The army charged towards Jinto, the tanks, the soldiers they all galloped towards him like a roaring beast!

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