The proposal scene 1:

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The petty war has finally ended and the empire has caught wind that Carmilla has died. We would hate to war with fellow women and her death was of her own failure. Amongst the cease of the war, the portal to hell has opened and Dracula has been released. Which means there's hope for my father. It is possible that we can free him from his prison as well. So now my journey begins. As the youngest daughter to Queen Mafi Kyau and Mafi munin Duka, it is my responsibility to expand the greatest empire in the world. Unfortunately the African vampires are not mentioned anywhere outside of the continent. We have been kept quiet for the past century. Our history has been sheltered from the world, and all of the aware outland vampires know to leave us that way. The Arjorbi Empire is the most powerful and functioning vampire territory to exist. We have maintained this position for centuries, and we live in harmony with our human people. The ways of outland territories feed off fear instead of diplomacy and fair trade. The neanderthals that they are, are repulsive. No one wants to make amends with their people. As old as we are, our structure and tradition still stands. True control comes with trust, this is the policy of my mother. My father was the opposite. It is told he believed in terror, he instilled fear in those far beyond just humans. Hence why he was dragged to hell by Satan himself. Since there has been word that Dracula has been freed from hell, it placed the chance of my father returning as well.
So this is my journey to find the Alucard. I must show him he's not the only half blood. I must also reassure that the world will be better under the reign of Arjorbi.
As I continue to prepare for my trip,I ponder on the making of power. It is not a simple thing you are born with, but more like a shift of force. When my father was banished, Dracula became the most powerful vampire in the world. When Dracula was killed, Carmila fought to gain that power. Unfortunately Carmila forgot about the rest of us, and she certainly forgot about the Alucard. Although that is neither here nor there, it is important that I push the significance of merging the two forces. Hoping him and his father would be willing to shake hands with our empire. War is not optional, but it is imperative to get the job done. By any means necessary.
As I was packing up my horse, my mother woke up. She slept in tonight and she finally arose at about 11pm. I was petting my jet black horse as she walked over to me with a red bottle. "Blood of the infants. The purest of our great land. This is our rarest bottle. As we only can receive blood from children that young once a year. You must go bearing the finest gifts of our people. Alucard and his father should be aware that we do not want war, but we would love unity. They must know our civilization is of the elite. Look your best, have your finest smile, speak with poise and be proper. You are of royal blood and you must not be turned down." She kissed my head as she conjured a portal. "The castle of Dracula is currently next to the Belmont hold. Those scavengers we taught, hold our teachings and call it their own. If I hadn't wiped out my sisters of Caulico, the families that claim to be hunters would kiss our feet. We used to be the original demon hunters, the truest of scholars and speakers. Alas, do not let this distract you, we are quiet for a reason. Do what must be done Mai Iko, you are beautiful and brilliant. I would send your siblings but they have responsibilities here. Besides, you are a lot smoother with your tongue, the others lack the patience." She smiled at me, as she waived her dark brown hands over the portal. My mother never lost her touch, she proudly carried our heritage, draped in gold and rubies. She wore her green and gold head covering to match her green nightgown. My siblings told me that even after our father turned her, despite her brutality, she maintained her elegance. I only know her as a vampire, from what I am told it is apparent my birth is what killed her.

I climbed on to my horse, and placed the bottle in my satchel. I guided us close to the portal. Before entering I hugged my mother, "I will represent our kingdom with grace, your majesty." I bowed my head to her and entered through the large glowing matrix. As I walked through I checked all my belongings. My distance mirror, the bottle of blood, my Hemrobri necklace to control my powers, and my twin semagi swords. I carefully placed the swords in my large curly black hair that I kept brushed neatly in a high puff. They always place nicely like accessories. The women of my empire are vicious but remain dainty. We always appear neat even when we are out for blood. Passing through the portal, my horse and I approached what seemed to be a small village. I squinted my eyes to read a small sign hungover as an entryway. "Belmont?" I questioned as I continued to walk through. The town is named after these thieves, how original. I continued to walk as I saw small homes built like a pathway into the town. The further I entered the larger the buildings got.
They seemed more civilized than I expected. It wasn't late here, possibly a few hours behind my country, so the sun was beginning to set. The people of the town gawked as I passed through. I was certain not to dress upscale, appearing too lavish could come off as an insult. I was simple, burgundy riding pants, sleek black boots, a white button up shirt, and black corset. My coat was black and heavy, the European vampires love colder weather. All covered comfortably against deep brown skin. My shirt was embroidered with the symbol of the Arjorbi. It is a circle of infinity signs, inside of the circle is an X with a cross on the ends. My coat had the large symbol of Caulico. It looks like a flaming bow and arrow. The base of the arrow is feathered colored white, gold, and green. Those are the colors of my country.
These citizens are confident to walk around at night, it piqued my thirst. Tingling my urge to sink my teeth into everything with a beating heart here. They must be protected, much like my people, guarded by the power in charge. I took a deep breath to smell bread, I was quite hungry and I'd rather eat normal food than have to slaughter anyone. Us half bloods must be careful, the more blood we drink, the more it entices our vampire instincts. Our aggression and urge for violence is accelerated when we lean into our unnatural side. I'm sure the Alucard knows.
I approached the nearby bakery and gave them 6 gold coins. The sweet woman gave me a full loaf with butter. The people here are generous, and kind, they would be perfect in Arjorbi. I climbed back on my horse and continued to rome through the city. Eventually I walked toward the large castle that sat directly next to the House of Belmont. I was tempted to uproot that entire home, persuaded to turn the building into dust. My mother enforced stern rules and I mustn't get distracted. I continued further into the town and asked a nearby villager if the Alucard was home. The mentioning of his name stirred slight anger, "And what would you want with the Alucard?" The villager snapped. He was a bold old man, clearly he has no idea who I am or what I'm capable of. They are protective, I noticed, same as my people are with the queen.
"I come with no harm, I simply want to talk with him and his father." I told him with grace. The old man was short and balding in the middle. The gray hairs were thin as they ran along the perimeter of his head. His clothes weren't neat or clean. No one here was dressed respectfully at all and the colors were dreadful. They looked more like settlers than actual people of class. The Europeans were always this way.
"Everyone knows Dracula is dead, so you're either a liar or stupid." He once again aggressed. It appears either no one knows of the resurrection, or they are holding a secret. Regardless, that puts a stint in my plans. As I spoke further with the man a beautiful brown skin woman approached me.
"Hello traveler, how can I help you?" She said, peacefully.
"Good evening, I am looking for the Alucard." I replied.
"My name is Greta, I am the defender of this village."
"Wonderful to meet you, my name is Mai Iko, the last daughter of the Arjorbi empire. I have come to discuss important matters with the Alucard." I didn't mention Dracula out of concern from the last incident.
Her brown eyes were matched gorgeously against her skin and hair. I was careful not to gaze plus I haven't drank blood in a week preparing for this day. I couldn't tell if I was attracted or starving.
"The Alucard is inside along with his partners, I will see if they are interested in the company." She smiles as she turns away. I didn't get a chance to say thank you and pay my respects. All I could do was stare and wait while she walked away. I took a deep breath and stuffed bread into my mouth. Be careful Mai, these are people not food. Mother would never approve of terrorizing a city for pleasure. In my country we never eat our people, they love us enough to donate blood once per week to appease us. Only those who are punished to death discover the ruthlessness of our family. Still, everytime we drank blood it only increased my vampire nature. This town would be so easy, the defenders, even Alucard or his father couldn't stop me in time. I must remain calm, I am here for diplomacy. I gently pet my horse, feeding her an apple from my satchel. I have been on her back for too long and her spoiled ass is ready to be pampered.
"Easy Cadora, we just got here." I chuckled as I climbed down and ran my fingers through her dark mane. "You're so damn spoiled you know." I continued feeling my horse and heard heavy footsteps approach me.
"Hello, I heard you are looking for Alucard." I turned quickly to see a scruffy looking man. He was clearly disheveled, as he wore layers of fabric. The symbol on his clothing caught my eye, he was a fucking Belmont. It was legend they all were killed, so why would he wear their symbol? Unless he was a survivor. Not too long after he came a woman approached as well. I could smell the amateur magic on her. I could also smell the infant she must have recently given birth to. The blood of infants is a delicacy in my home and I am in deep need of a fix. Be strict Mai, mother made her demands clear.
"Hi yes I am Mai Iko, daughter of the Arjorbi empire. I am here to speak with the Alucard." I smiled.
"Anything you say to him you can say to us," his rugged tone almost made me snap. Still I am a lady of grace, I must respond like so.
"Well of course, and whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?" Remain with poise Mai.
"I'm Trevor Belmont, of the house of Belmont. This is Sypha Belnades-Belmont, we are leaders of this village and front faces of Alucard." Christ this is going to be more frustrating than I thought.
"Wonderful to meet your graces." I bowed before them to show respect, if they only knew I was a princess they would be on their knees. "I would like to discuss a merger strategy that could be a benefit for you and your people. Unifying to create not only a grand power but a sealed blanket of protection. I was hoping I could discuss matters more indoors and with all parties." I could tell my tone was attractive as Trevor gazed at my appearance. My curls were neatly brushed as the swords held together a sharp style. My soft brown eyes had a slight glow of red that complimented the undertones of my deep brown skin. I cut my nails low enough to not appear threatening and painted them black. Each angle of me was important if I wanted to fuse and expand.
"Follow us." Trevor turned as he led the way. Sypha must not have been prepared as she grabbed his arm.
"Should we just let her in!" I could overhear them squabble as they walked towards the castle. Obviously they were not in much sync, this makes my job much easier. I could sense the attraction to me on Trevor, he enjoys his wife but doesn't crave her. Nothing a dive into his subconsciousness couldn't tell, if I stick around tonight I can test the strength of each person who stands in my way of the Alucard.
As we approached the castle I noticed the bodies on pikes that served as a gating. "Savages," I whispered to myself, we never display terror. We keep our trophies behind our castle, never in front of it. It takes the beauty away from our structure. They have so much to learn, not to mention the rotting smell that breezes into the city. You'd think outland vampires would at least detach from their caveman ways. I guess you can turn the man but never the imbecile.
"Adrian! We have company!" Trevor shouted into the castle.
"Is it trying to kill us again?" I heard a sweet echo throughout the entryway. His tone nearly matches mine, with grace and sophistication.
"No, not yet I don't think." Trevor shouts back and in less than seconds I see a man drop from the ceiling. "She said her name is May echo, of something something," he botched my name awfully, have I not said it enough? I should slit his throat but I have more tricks up my sleeve.
Greta approached me as well, "I can smell a lot of magic on her."
"My name is Mai Iko. I am the daughter of the Arjorbi empire of the African region. Yes I do possess magic, upon other things but none of which I am here to display or use. I am here in peace, with offers from my land that could benefit everyone. I would like to speak to you if that is okay, your grace." I bowed at Alucard smiling. I hope my calm efforts developed enough trust to present my idea.
"Mai Iko of the Arjorbi, it is a pleasure to meet you." Alucard bowed back, he was much of a gentleman. I nearly blushed as his long blonde hair covered his white face as he bent over. "We can convene in my quarters. I will show you the way."
His white shirt was half buttoned exposing his bare chest, and he wore black pants with a chain wrapped around like a belt. He was memorizing, despite him being of savagery. "My horse, is there a proper place to put her? I'd hate for flies or fleas to attach to her hair."
"She may stand in the entryway by the door. No one should be coming so she should be okay." Alucard let's animals into his home, wonderful, he's disgusting.
I grabbed my bottle and followed him to his quarters, we walked into a large dining room table across from the kitchen. To be honest his castle was nowhere near as extraordinary as mine and it appears destroyed. At this point the merg is desperately needed. As I sat comfortably in the chair I sat my bottle on the table. "A gift from my empire to you, Alucard.The finest and rarest drink of my people."
"What is it?" He asked. I paused as I read the room, I'd hoped he and I would be alone. I'm sure the humans around him would be disturbed I was presenting the blood of babies as a gift.
"I would recommend you indulge in that privately." I tried to maintain composure. "I come here on behalf of my people. Now that the war in Wallachia is over, we think it would be a wise idea to mend the gap between continents. My mother is Queen Mafi Kyau, ruler of the African vampire empire, we would love to create a partnership." I could see their eyes boggled with confusion.
"There are African vampires?" Sypha chimed.
"Um yes there is, we keep our hands out of messy situations. Much like your war."
"You could have been helpful since you want to merge." Trevor griped.
"Since the war was raged by another vampire upon humans, stepping in could have led to more problematic circumstances for both parties. The thirst for power amongst other vampires could have constructed far worse situations. Carmila knew not to come anywhere near Africa until she took over the entire west. Even that would not have been enough. Now that all the battle for land and power has stopped it provides healthier and genuine requests. This isn't a takeover scheme, I promise. To be frank my empire doesn't need permission to overthrow anything. So this is not a conversation to incite another war or to inflict force. It is a reasonable request to consider joining us. Enhancing protection and resources, financial improvements, living expansion and leadership. Your name will not be masked but in unison with the empire. An offer to be an alliance, I'm sure everyone here would like to rest better knowing they are undoubtedly covered." I delivered my speech with confidence. I watched as the table sat there pondering the idea.
Greta then turned to me, "Being fair how can we trust you? You think you're the first person to come around with kindness? Every time someone wants something from any of us,we end up getting stabbed in the back. Magic, vampires, hell even people who claim to be holy have turned on us. So I am sorry, I don't have interest in your offer."
The table soon began to agree with her. "I understand, and I did not come thinking you would simply say, yes. How can I prove that I mean no harm?"
"Are you a vampire Mai Iko?" Alucard spoke to me.
"Half." I noticed my response shocked him.
"You said your mother rules the vampire empire, how could that be possible?" Trevor cut in.
"My mother was turned after my birth. My father was a vampire."
"Was?" Sypha questioned.
"Trevor you are a Belmont correct? Did anywhere in your hold discuss the women of the Caulico?"
"Not that I remember. Why? How does that answer the question?"
"How about this, I will stay for 2 weeks. I will be as transparent as I can to all of you. By the end of my stay I will need answers about the merg. I will discuss my empire, it's foundation, it's system and all it has to offer. I will also serve as a fellow protector to your village."
"You think we will just let you stay!" Greta snapped, she was sexy when she got angry.
"Easy Greta, we will take you up on the offer and you will stay on the west end of the castle." Alucard once again showed kindness.
"Thank you, Alucard." I bowed my head and watched him as his soft eyes scanned my appearance. He was also attracted to me, but I could tell he and Greta have a relationship. It appears my efforts have encountered difficulties.

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