The Proposal part 4

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Scene 4:
It was early the next morning, I went out to make sure my horse was catered to properly. She is such a diva, as she only enjoys red apples for breakfast. She loves when I mend to her hooves and comb her hair. "You have a beautiful horse." I heard Sypha approach me, I smirked to myself as she was unaware of the midnight affair her husband dreamt of. 
"Thank you, she can be such a brat sometimes." I smiled at her while she touched the horse's mane.
"Sorry about how crass everyone was last night, new people normally bring trouble."
"It's okay I understand, the war of the west brought a lot of despair. I appreciate the honesty and your kindness." I looked at her as I tried to clip Cadora's hooves.
"Do you think combining territory is honestly a good idea?" She questioned as she fed Cadora another apple. I can tell she's been thinking about my offer.
"I think safety for you and your family should be the pinnacle of focus. Combining our territory will ensure that." I pandered on the string of family, a powerplay I learned from the elder diplomats of my empire. She was unaware I even knew of her child. Trevor soon approached us while we spoke.
" Uh, Sypha the baby is crying." He cut in. She quickly got up and ran into the hold. " You and I need to talk." I looked at him curiously.
"How can I help you Mr. Belmont? Have you thought of my offer also, I was just talking to your wife about.."
"Cut the shit! That stunt you pulled last night is going to get you killed!" He must have speculated about my abilities.
"I'm sorry I don't understand? Was the bottle I presented offensive? Did Alucard tell you what it was? I swear it was only a kind gesture." I played dumb. He has no proof I made him dream about having sex with me.
"You know what the fuck I'm talking about!"
"I assure you I do not. Do you always speak to your guests that way? Please do not mistake my politeness as a sign of weakness. Now if I have offended you in any way I apologize, but I'm not sure to what manner I have?"
"You honestly have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about?" He sneered again. I could smell the liquor on his breath.
"Mr. Belmont, have you been drinking?" I caught him off guard as I fed Cadora another apple. "Maybe we can reconvene once you have rested." My suggestion surfaced as more of a command and he scoffed as he walked away.
A small girl ran up to me asking to pet my horse, I smiled and l picked her up placing her on Cadora. "She likes when you brush her hair." I gave the young girl a brush, as more children swarmed around me. While I monitored them Greta came up to me.
"Seems the children have taken a liking to you so far."  She placed her hand on her hip. I bit my lip at the sound of her voice, she was delicious. I could feel it. All I could dream about is sinking my teeth in her neck. Normally I don't thirst for humans like this, but something about her makes me lustful. She was so beautiful, maybe it was more of a developing attraction. She's not a part of my plan but she could be something else for me.
"Children are the heart of every village, being approved by them is an honor." I smiled at her attempting not to flirt.
"Did you travel far to get here?" She asked.
"No, I was able to walk through a portal. Cadora's lazy ass would have taken us forever." I chuckled as I pet her. I noticed as Alucard came up behind Greta and grabbed her waist, kissing her cheek. 
"Good morning." I heard him mumble in her neck, then turn to look at me. " Good Morning Mai Iko."
I bowed my head in respect, "Good morning Sir Terpes." Their interaction turned me on, I cleared my throat as I looked away from them. I was right about them, there was a relationship. I see that I must appease both of them to gain further trust.
"Anyone hungry, I think Sypha is preparing breakfast over at their place. We should all join." Greta suggested.
I smiled at her, "I'm not sure how welcome I am. Mr. Belmont was a bit agitated with me this morning, I must have offended him in some way." Greta and Alucard smiled at each other.
"Ignore him, he could be grumpy about anything. I will talk to him." Alucard said, attempting to ease my concerns. I took them up on their offer, once the children left we packed up and migrated to the Belmont hold. We entered through the library, I passed by the shelves that I made Trevor dream about. Smiling in menical satisfaction, as I noticed books scattered across the aisle. He was there, bludged with frustration and regret. He couldn't get me out of his head. We gathered in the dining hall, Spyha prepared an abundance of meats, bread, eggs, fruit, and ample cups of coffee. I saw the baby resting in a crib near the table. I sat across from Trevor as he stared at me in anger. Sphya leaned over to pour me a cup of coffee, and smiled at me.
"I hope you like my cooking, I've been practicing these past few months."
"Your cooking is fine dear, if it goes down it's fine by me." Trevor complimented her.
"I'm sure everything is delicious. It smells delightful Sypha."
"Do not speak to my wife!" Trevor barked at me.
"Again with your tone." I calmly took a sip of coffee looking at Trevor.
Alucard stood up and taped Trevor on his shoulder. "Mind if we can chat, Treffy?" Trevor got up aggressively and walked away with the Alucard. I could overhear their conversations outside, it's one of the perks of vampire hearing.
Alucard: For what has she earned your disgust Trevor?
Trevor: Last night she came to me.
Alucard: She approached you last night when?
Trevor: In my sleep she made me. Do things.
Alucard: What are you talking about Trevor?
Trevor: She made me fuck her.
Alucard: How did she make you? She was forceful?
Trevor: No I- she just made it all happen okay. I know it was her, no way I would have dreamt that. I never have dreams like that. Not until she showed up.
Alucard: So you had a wet dream about the princess of the Arjorbi Empire and you're blaming her for your apparent attraction to her? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Trevor: It felt too real Adrian, *scoff* you don't understand I was lying next to my wife! It was in my library, the one she mentioned!
Alucard: Listen, it was just a dream. The mind works in crazy ways, besides no vampires or magicians can manipulate the mind like that. Controlling dreams is unheard of, if that's the case she could have simply made you dream of joining her kingdom not sleep with her. Brush it off, you just might have a crush on her. Nothing to get bothered about.
I heard them as they walked back into the kitchen, Trevor stood at the head of the table and let out a deep breath. "I apologize, Mai Iko, for my insolence. I should not have been so aggressive towards you. It won't happen again, now let's eat." I smiled and nodded as I accepted his apology, the seed was already planted. His dreams will reoccur like nightmares until he is enslaved to me. He will love his wife, he will lust after me. My next move will be with the residents of the castle.
"Your child is adorable, what is their name?" I gently asked Sypha.
" Our son's name is Simon." Trevor forced.
"Beautiful name for a boy." I smiled. We continued to eat and after breakfast we walked into the town. I was introduced to the people, the elders that reside there, store owners and commoners of the area. I got the chance to speak with a single mother there who was suffering from a bad disease.
"I do not know how much time I have left here, I worry for my children. I know that the village will keep them safe but the evil that lurks the perimeter has no such promise." I heard her as she cried, the nasty boils that formed over her skin looked painful as they would ooze as she moved. I was familiar with this disease she had, it was a common issue in my country before we learned how to heal.
"I think I can help, if I may Madam?" I offered her assistance.
"Can you help her?" Greta asked me. I nodded my head.
"I can, I just need some cinnamon, lilac leaves, and warm water. I will also need a bushel of sage wrapped in Ekomi leaves, it will help cleanse the air. For the blisters I can use buckwheat and lemons. That should clear the infection." Trevor and Alucard left to gather all the items I needed and when they returned I made tea for the woman to drink. I then applied the citrus and buckwheat to her wounds. I cleansed her home and casted a healing spell to cover her and her children. I informed her that I will be back the next day to check on her. I could tell that everyone was impressed by my act. Hopefully this will ensure they would be willing to take up my offer.
As the day dimmed it was time for everyone to return to their rooms, after dinner I asked Greta to show me the washroom. To my surprise they did not have one, but the use the lake behind the Belmont hold. She joined me as we walked together, convincing me that no one will see us and that the Belmont's are sound in their rooms. In good faith I began to undress, I could feel her eyes staring at me as I removed my clothing. I met eyes with her and she quickly turned away apologizing. "It's okay Greta, I am not shy." She blushed at the sound of my voice.
"Sorry I have just never met a woman like you before, with so much power and grace." Her face was startled by my physic. She watched me as I entered the lake.
"Please come join me, the water is cool." I called for her, "And to address your statement, I am not more of a champion than you are. The way you wear this town on your back with pride, I have only been here a day and I can tell they respect you as their leader, as their queen." As she began to undress I was infatuated with her too, her curves moving elegantly from her breast to her hips. She got in the water and moved closer to me. "So tell me, Greta, you and Alucard, how fascinating." Her face was uncomfortable because of my statement. "Sorry I didn't mean to impose, just pegging for some girl talk."
"No you are fine, I just..." She began to speak then stopped.
"What is wrong Greta? Are you guys not happy?"
"No we are, I think it's me. I live and breathe this town and since the night creatures I've been trapped in it. It's the castle then the village, the village then the castle. I have not seen the world since and Alucard has seen everything so his interest and idea of time is different from mine."
"It's a tricky thing with mortality, time is working for you or against you. It is not different for either of us. For you as time passes it is seemingly a curse, for us as we are stuck. We suffer the curse of watching those we love fight with time. I see the love you guys share, and I know that the safety of your people is important to you. You should not have to choose, you nor the Alucard." I smiled at her hoping my advice waged in her idea of considering my offer.
"May I ask a personal question Mai Iko?" She looked at me as she moved closer.
"I am sworn to transparency. Go for it".
"As long as you have been alive, have you ever been with a woman?" My eyes almost popped out of my head. I was lost for words.
"I- well, yes I had a woman lover before."
"Did you like it?" She asked again.
"Yes, my experience with her was different from a man. Have you been with a woman?" I asked back.
She laughed as she answered, "I've been with a woman's husband." We both laughed at our common misfortunate, but I could tell I peaked her curiosity.
"Well I think it's best we get inside before it gets too cold. I don't want you freezing in this water, I am sure the Alucard would be utterly unhappy." I flashed my teeth at her as I moved out of the lake. We quickly grabbed our towels and hurried into the castle.
"Maybe we can do this again? Tomorrow night?" She asked.
"Uh sure, that would be lovely." I responded. " Have a good night, your grace." I laughed as I curtsey to her. I could tell after today Greta has warmed up more to me, and in time she will agree with my cause. I walked back into my room and changed my clothes, I clutched my necklace as it started to glow. I've been using my powers and needed to be more careful, but maybe tomorrow, I was not done with the Belmont. I would have left him alone if he did not bear such an insult. I laid down and explored his mind again, manifesting his deepest desires.
I set the scene of his dream. He will watch me from his window as I take a bath in his lake, touching himself as he admires me bathing. His sweet wife is asleep in their bed as he stays awake stroking himself to me. I caught him out of the corner of my eye aware that he's been looking. I leave the water and disappear out of his sight, soon to meet him in his bedroom. I came up behind him quietly and whispered in his ear as he continued to stare out the window. "You could have simply joined me." I wrapped the towel around both of us allowing him to feel my wet body. He was angry with me  as he turned around. He pushed me to the floor and climbed on top of me.
"Sypha is asleep you whore!" He grits through his teeth.
"And yet here you are next to your bed on top of me. So what do you plan to do, Belmont?" I whisper again. He grunts as he places his face between my legs and begins sucking on my clit." I moan and whimper as he viciously licks my genitals. Sliding his tongue back and forth and soon inside the slit of my dripping yoni. I moan more, "Is this what you want Trevor Belmont? Do what you really want." I placed my hands on his head as he continued slurping my oozing juices. I was enjoying every moment as I started to orgasm on his face. He slid his fingers inside me to feel my vaginal walls throbbing. He climbed back on top of me and looked me in my face. His blue eyes appeared weak as looked at me, forced to continue what he truly desires. He scoffed and grunted as he started to enter me, stretching my legs and walls as he stroked me. I must say Belmont was a good lover, as he pumped inside me he stimulated every area. As much as I enjoyed tormenting him, I loved fucking him just as much. We both moaned in pleasure as he wrapped his hand around my throat, choking me.
"Fuck you Mai Iko," he moaned and grunted. He clenched my throat tightly as if he wanted to kill me.
I smiled and moaned, " Yes, Trevor fuck me!" I protracted my fangs, tempted to sink them into his shoulder. Trevor Belmont's soul was mine, his dreams made him toss and turn in his sleep. He was my puppet as I controlled the directions of his dream. His body shivered each time he pounded me. "kai jarumi ne mai kwaɗayi" (You are a strong soldier). I whispered in his ear.  He huffed and puffed and he lost balance on top of me. "Would you like me to ride you Trevor Belmont? In your house of Belmont?" I asked him calmly.
"Yes." He replied in a raspy tone almost as if his throat was closing. I could tell he was fighting for his life with his words. I fed into his wish as we switched positions. I climbed on top of him and guided him inside me. He moaned and sighed louder each inch he went. "Careful Trevor Belmont. You might wake your wife." I grinded my hips against him going faster and faster. He dug his nails into my back the harder I rode him. Our moans filled the room as his wife slept right above us. I leaned in closer to him, smiling devilishly, "I can be your every desire," I moaned as I dug my fangs into his neck. Piercing the large vein that protruded on his right side. I drank as I continued fucking him, he was mine. In his holler of pain he orgasmed inside me. I left his mind once again, as he was now scarred with the memory of our night.

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