The Proposal part 5

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Scene 5:
For the rest of the week Trevor avoided me, he wouldn't join us for breakfast or dinner. He refused to engage in conversation or venture into the city. He stayed in his home and allowed Sypha to be his voice. It was pleasant keeping him out of my way, and he was still tormented with dreams of me every night. On this particular morning I was on a stroll into the woods with Greta. She and I have become close these past few days, she was interested in the sights I've seen throughout the world. I told her stories of my boat rides through the Caribbean, and camel rides on the coast of the Nile. "I would love to see the oceans, Mai! The way you describe them sounds so beautiful."
"Honestly they are, the experience is completely worth it."
"Shit Mai, honestly you make this merging thing seem perfect. I don't want to turn on Adrian, but life has to be so much more than this." I could see the pain in her eyes.
I took her hands and kissed them."It is. You should explore it all, Greta not be confined. Neither
you or your people." She looked at me and moved closer almost as if she was going to kiss my lips. In the midst of the moment her eyes grew larger.
"Mai, duck!" We both dropped down as a large demon rushed to attack us. "Fuck not again!" Greta hollered as she ran toward it. I knew this was my opportunity to gain full trust. Greta and I ran behind the monster as it entered the village. Belmont, Sypha, and Alucard stood in defense in front of their homes. I pulled the two swords out of my hair and extended the double edges. These were the ancient weapons of the Caulico women, the most powerful tools in the world. I released my red wigs and grabbed Greta to fly over it. This beast was massive, as tall as a tree and as wide as a building. It had awful glowing green eyes that dripped what appeared to be poison.
"Careful, that thing is oozing shit." Trevor said as we all stood before it. 
"I thought we were through with demons?" Alucard commented.
"Well, we will after me." I said as I started to run toward the demon. I let go of my swords allowing it to follow me as I teleported back and forth with the demon. Using my powers I summoned elements from the alternate dimensions. Sypha was right behind me, using her magic to fight. I could have handled this alone but I needed to be a team player. With a swing of its arm, it knocked Sypha down. Alucard suddenly landed behind me on top of the monster as he tried to stab its head. To no avail we were both overthrown, with choice by me of course. I used the most impressive trick I knew that would win everyone over. My secret weapon that I use with caution. I could turn into a dragon if needed but today we needed absolutely no casualties. So I will breathe fire, I took in a deep inhale and bellowed out flames scorching the monster. With my swords I decapitated it completely, sending the creature back to hell. I had won the battle saving the small town. The group gathered around me in celebration, my plan was going perfectly.
To confess this was all my fault. My father was a forgemaster before he was a vampire. Summoning demons was a family heirloom, without tools we could touch dead bodies and resurface the most vile creatures from hell. That's why my father was sent there to begin with. According to my mother my stole so many souls as a vampire creating countless armies, the devil had enough. I simply used a trick out of daddy's book. Tkkkjbphere was a slain man in the woods yesterday evening while me and my horse went for a walk. I turned him into his beast and ordered him to attack us and the city. Quite a good show but it seals loyalty. I will fight for them, and they will fight for me. The look on Alucard's face as I released fire from my throat, almost looked arousing. I did save his life, it could very well be gratitude. Stay focused, Mai Iko.
We all headed back into the castle, Trevor grabbed a bottle of beer and Alucard grabbed wine. "So does your sword follow you everywhere?" I joked at Alucard.
"Does yours?" He remarked back.
"I normally keep mine in my hair." I laughed.
"So I request more transparency, what kind of powers do you possess?" The trick to this question is that he asked what powers I have and not what I inherited. Forgery, and magic are inherited so I may keep that unmentioned.
"I have red wings, I can teleport, phase into a dragon, use inter dimensional elements, and levels of manipulation. I try to avoid how far that can go, so I wear my necklace to help me channel the proper energy." I told the truth, I didn't get extensive or leave room for a question. "Your turn Sir Terpes, what did the mystic arts of your father do with you?"
"Same old same old.  I can transform into a wolf,  I can teleport, my wings are white. I can sulk over my misfortunes." He laughed. " Your powers are more elevated than other vampires that I know."
"So you admit you've been fucking with me in my sleep!" Trevor once again lashed out.
"Trevor please," Alucard sighed.
"Admit it!"
" I truly do not understand what you are talking about." I lied in his face.
"These nightmares I've been having! They started once you showed up!"
"Are these visions of danger Mr. Belmont?" I tried to be genuine but we both knew I had been torturing him.
"You know what the fuck, I'm talking about!"
"Trevor Belmont, what has gotten into you!" Sypha stopped him. "She helped us, assisted us in battle with a night creature that could have killed all those people. Show some respect."
"I assure you Mr. Belmont, I am not inflicting harm on you in any dangerous way." In this instance I did not lie. I did not harm him in his sleep, I simply gave him what he wanted. "What is the context of your dreams, maybe we can help figure them out?"
He let out a deep sigh and stormed out of the room. Sypha apologized to me and ran behind him. The rest of us sat at the table tired from our fight.
"Well Mai we thank you for your help, you were fantastic out there." Greta smiled.
"Me? Can we address you guys? You would be nothing shy of perfection with the empire. Your skills would match wonderfully, it was amazing serving alongside you in battle." I watched them as they smiled at each other. We continued to drink wine as they continued to ask questions.
"So how many languages do you speak?" Alucard asked while we drank.
"I speak many languages, my culture adapted the tongue across all the lands due to the diaspora of my people. My language could translate differently because the words all derive from the ancient language. So I can speak Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, English, French, the various languages in Africa, German, Romanian, the list is infinite. As long as it is understood I can speak it." I finished my drink. "What about you Alucard? Greta? Is your tongue various?" I could not stop myself from the seduction.
"Je to pre vás rôzne?" Alucard spoke in Slovak.
"Oh you know Slovak, that is quite diverse." I could see the mild flirting irritating Greta. So it was time for me to remove myself from the table. "Well it is time for me to cater to my spoiled horse. She will be fussy and the children make my job easier." I left the table and took care of Cadora, brushed her hair and fed her. I walked her to the lake to clean her hair. These people carry so many bugs they keep getting tangled in her mane . While I bathed her Greta and Sypha joined me.
"Trevor is having a hard time, I'm sorry he is so mean to you." Sypha tried to comfort me.
"No it is fine building trust takes time, I mean what are the odds a demon would attack your city when I arrive, or he's having scary dreams. Nonetheless, I understand he is protective of you all, he is a good man."
"You were a sight to see out there with those monsters. Vampires always amaze me, well half. Adrian is fun to fight with as well." Sypha continued.
"All is fair in war, you ladies are powerful as well. You are one of the most talented speakers I have ever come across, and Greta you are one hell of a leader. I would follow you anywhere in war." I smiled as I ran the water on Cadora. "This lake is so beautiful, Sypha, please let Sir Belmont know." I am sure he is fully aware, he's been fucking me in it while he sleeps. I guided my horse out of the water and allowed her to air dry.
"I will inform him and thank you for all of your help here Mai, you have truly shown your position in kindness. I do think joining you would be helpful."
"I agree, the people here can live safely and I can travel. I think this would be a good idea." Greta agreed.
I finally won over the women, my final step is the men. I walked Cadora back to where she's been staying for the past week, she's had her own barn where she can sleep comfortably. I felt the Alucard's presence enter the barn. "So are you finally going to fess up to tormenting Trevor Belmont?" His voice chimed through the barn.
"Your friend is paranoid, I can't force him to think or dream anything."
"You are powerful so who am I to put anything past you." He remarked.
"Tell me oh great Alucard, what good would it do me to torment your friend in his sleep? When I want you to trust me and join me? If anything I want him on my side just as well." I made sure Cadora was secure. "Whatever he is dreaming of I would like to know what it is, and maybe we can address the issue. I only intend to bring serenity." He looked at me smug and pressed up against me in the stable.
"His dreams are quite creative, I'm sure there's no meaning behind them."
"Is there any way I can help you Sir Tepes?" He was sending mixed signals and Greta was not too far away. It appeared more of a taunt than a test. Now my next target is Adrian Tepes.

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