The Proposal part 6

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Scene 6:
I went for another bath that night joined by Greta, we went later than normal ensuring others would be asleep. We laughed as we tried to wash the demon juice off of our bodies. "God it was such a long day!" she groaned as she ran water through her hair.
"Yes it was almost painful," I laughed alongside her. "Would you like help with your hair?"
"Yes thank you." I helped rinse her hair in the lake, "So, in your palace. Do you have people who do this?"
"What? Like servants?" I laughed at her question. "Yes, we do have workers in the palace. They cook, clean, attend to our livestock, and bathe us, but we do know how to do things for ourselves." I continued to rinse her hair. She turned to me and touched my shoulders.
"You are the first woman to come here and change how I feel about life and everything I know. I don't want you to leave so soon."
"I do not have to leave if you join me and my empire. You can reap the lavishes of all we have to offer." In the midst of my sentence she kissed me. "Oh you meant.. Oh Greta."
"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have."
"It's okay." I grabbed her arm, pulled her back and kissed her. I slid my tongue in her mouth, and passionately held her face. I kissed her neck and held her breast, lighting pinching her nipples. She moaned in my mouth as I continued to arouse her.
"I want you, Mai Iko." She moaned as we kissed, being around her incited my hunger. I fought to keep my fangs retracted as she touched me. My thirst lusted for her, craved for my teeth to vandalize the nape of her neck. I grabbed the back of her hair forcing her head back, licking the side of her neck up to her jawline. I moved my hands down her body and in between her legs, gently rubbing her clit. She moaned as I pleasured her, I moved down and sucked on her nipples. Then kissed her lips again, as she moved her hands between my legs as well. Following the motion I was doing to her, she began to massage my clit as well. Both of us were in the cool water fingering each other. I slowly inserted my fingers inside her to feel her tight insides, her body convulsed as I found her g-spot. I held her body as I controlled her every move fingering her. "Christ Mai! I can't take it!" She moaned louder. I continued rubbing her g-spot elegantly.
"Tell me what you want Greta." I calmly said in her ear. This was not a dream for her, it was her reality. She was mine, and she was more than willing.
"I want to cum p-please." She stuttered.
"Then cum for me." I bit her shoulder as I felt her organism in my hand. I held her close allowing her to feel my warm body as she clenched up tightly. She looked me in my eyes and kissed me again. "The Alucard, Greta. You belong to him, remember." She looked at me with disappointment. "We can be together if all of you join me, so maybe you should convince him to do the merge and then we can explore so much more." I was wrong to use her vulnerability as a power move but time was running out and I needed them to comply.
"I will talk with him, I can try and get him to agree. Maybe he needs more motivation?" She looked at me as if she was gesturing at something.
"What do you mean, Greta?"
"He needs to see you how I see you. Maybe we can arrange something in the bedroom?"
"You want me to have sex? With the Alucard?"
"Yes or possibly with both of us?"
"You want me to have a threesome with you and Adrian? I'm not sure if he will take kindly to me making a pass on him."
"Well what if he made one towards you. I know he finds you beautiful already, both of you have so much in common."
"I am unsure of this idea Greta, maybe you are overwhelmed by your current emotions. You had quite the orgasm."
"I never experienced anything like it before Mai Iko. Please, consider my offer as I have yours." I nodded and agreed. Way to fuck up the plans Mai Iko, must you always fuck your food? Her and I quickly escaped into the castle, she was now also tethered to me as the Belmont was.
The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast downstairs. Greta was cooking and humming in the kitchen, her mood was obviously positive. Alucard and I ran into each other on the way downstairs, and he teleported us into another room. "I think I have finally figured you out. Greta has agreed on your merge, Belmont is willing to do anything to escape the fuckfest he is mentally trapped in, and Sypha is scared for her life."
"Well where does that leave you, Alucard?" I smiled hoping he would agree so I could finally go home. He smirked devilishly.
"It seems you have managed to sink your sharp teeth into everyone but me."
"I hope you're not insinuating anything Sir Tepes, I.."he quickly cut me off grasping my hint.
"Out of curiosity I am, but not now, not here. Greta has prepared breakfast for the first time in this castle since she moved here and we will enjoy that. As for tonight after she is tucked away to bed I need to see what you have been doing to all of the people in this town and my friends."
I was having a hard time deciphering if he was making a pass or if he was angry with me. "What are you asking of me my Sire?"
"To do what you came here for, your fucking job. Convince me the way you have convinced everyone else why joining your empire is worth it and not with the blood of children."
"Has my offer become a joke to you! I come with kindness and an exclusive opportunity to unify with the greatest empire in the world. I wouldn't toy around."
"You have toyed with my friends' lives for your cause. So to me it must be worth it, you will continue your end of the deal. Privately you will convince me with utter transparency why this unity is important." His fangs extracted out of his mouth, forcing mine to react. "It better be worth it, Mai Iko of the Arjorbi empire." I can feel the anger on his breath as he spoke to me. He was upset at my effective strategy.
I wandered back to my room and set up the mirror, contacting one of my sisters. "Kankara, I'm happy someone answered."
"Mother is still sleeping, how are things in Europe?"
"I would beg to say well but things seem to get more complicated."
"Are you draining people's souls again?" She chuckled.
"For the majority it's not on purpose."
"Do what must be done sister, remember to fulfill mother's orders. We found Striga the general and Morana the strategist. Our other allies spotted them walking along the coast of the Arabian sea. They both have surrendered to the Empire and will assist with further movements of resources and battle. Dan Wuta and I have started turning their army into night terrors. We will need more hands to help soon, so you must make it fast. It's either you bring them here, or we will come there." A knot formed in my throat at the idea of my sisters or anything of the empire moving here. The mirror quickly disconnected, leaving me nervous of how to close the merger. They now have an alliance with one of the best war strategists in the world.
I feared for what would come if I couldn't get the Alucard on our side. Dan Wuta and Kankara are forceful when it comes to trying to expand. I could no longer let Alucard fall to the side.

The Proposal:Castlevania fanfic Where stories live. Discover now