Bad Memories

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After looking behind her to make sure the door was closed, Helga runs to the nearest female bathroom.

When she makes it to the bathroom, she goes into a stall and slams the door.
She starts to shake and breathe heavy and loudly.

I don't want to go back. I don't want to go back.
Get away from me!

Helga kicks the stall's wall and backs into the corner beside the toilet.

Please, no more, Bob. I've learned my lesson.

She covers her face with her hands as if someone was in the stall with her and is ready to hit her, but there is absolutely no one there with Helga.

Suddenly, Phoebe comes rushing inside the bathroom.

Helga? Are you alright?

I told Arnold to not send anyone in here. GET OUT!

I won't leave you here even if you fight me.
You're my best friend and Arnold didn't send me. I came on my own because I know ever since that awful situation happened to've been getting frequent panic attacks and you have been hallucinating.
No one is here to hurt you and no one here wants to hurt you.
The only people in this bathroom is me and you.
And don't you still have your locket? Why won't you pull that out to calm yourself down? Let Arnold's smile take over your mind.

Helga wipes her tears.

But I don't want to take my locket out, when I know that you get upset if I don't come to you  and instead take out my locket or vent about Arnold. You don't like how I choose him over you and Gerald.

Helga, me and Gerald came to the realization during our date that you mean well with us and that thinking and talking about Arnold is just your main cope mechanism.
You must not let your father get to you. He's gone out your life, right?


And guess who's back? Arnold. And when you're ready, confess your feelings to him. I'm sure he'll accept you and see your good side. Then once you two are official, you'll definitely be too distracted to ever think back on those awful memories with your father. So, open up that stall if you're ready to come back to class or stay in it—

Thanks , Phoebe. You calmed me down a little, but I cannot go back to that class with them talking about sex. I just can't and I'll probably have to cheat my way to pass that biology class if sex is all that skirt is gonna teach us about.

I'm sure Mrs. Heather is going to change the topic soon, but do whatever makes you comfortable.
Please do tell your psychologist on your next appointment to give you an excuse, so that maybe you can get away with skipping Biology class.

Yeah, yeah, will do, now go. You need to get your notes in.

Okay, Helga. See you in our next class.

Phoebe exits the ladies bathroom.
Helga takes out her locket from under her white shirt.
She stares at Arnold's picture and smiles at it.

I'm sorry that I snapped at you, my beloved.
You mean well, too.
I love you, Arnold. I wish that I can tell you that now, but for now... I must pretend to hate you.
I must be a coward and hide my feelings for you...
Believe me, I hate that I am like this, but be patient for me.
Please, my darling, my one true love.

Helga places the locket on her heart.

Phoebe returns to the class with Arnold's eyes following her to her seat.
Mrs. Heather is still teaching, but her words are blocked for Arnold was really concerned about Helga.

Psst. Phoebe. Where did you go?

To check on, Helga. As you can see, she didn't send me flying to Timbuktu.

Great. I had a feeling you went to see her. How is she ? Is she okay?

Phoebe sighs.

She's okay, Arnold. Why are you so worried all of a sudden about her, anyways?

At this point, I'm worried about pretty much everyone. It's just...everyone seems a bit off. 
Can you tell me what happened last year?

Phoebe looks down and then back at Arnold. Before she could say anything, Mrs. Heather interrupts them.

Mrs. Heather:
Phoebe and Arnold! Care to share with the class what you two are discussing?


I was telling Arnold about how cats mate! They are so adorable, but I feel bad after they are finish with sex. A male cat's penis has barbs on it, which are sharp and could cause—

Everyone becomes dead silent.

Mrs. Heather:
Never mind.

Mrs. Heather turns away from Phoebe and Arnold and focuses on the rest of the class.

Okay, class... where were we?

Arnold looks down at his desk and then turns over to Helga's empty seat.
He frowns at it , but he remembers that she didn't want him worrying about her, so he looks at Mrs. Heather.

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