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Soon Biology ends and everyone has a 5 minute break before second period.
Helga peeks her head out the bathroom door and then walks out into the hallway, but seconds later she bumps into Arnold.
Helga knocks Arnold's photo book from his hands, which causes photos to fly out of it.

Arnold! Watch where you're going, football head.

Helga kicks the photo book further from Arnold, who was about to grab it.
He looks up at her with an irritated look on his face.
Helga looks down at him with an evil grin.

What's inside there, anyways?

Arnold grabs his photo book and the photos on the floor.

Photos that me and my parents had taken back in San Lorenzo.
I showed them to our class in Biology, but you weren't there.

You mean...while I was away, Mrs. Heather stopped talking about—

Yes, Helga. And thankfully she did. I wasn't ready to hear about that stuff.

No, kidding. Neither was I.
At least separate the girls from the boys on topics like that. It'll be less awkward, ya know?

Arnold stands up with his photos all collected in his hands.

I wanted to show you these photos in particular.
I know you like poetry and so...there was some nice views I took pictures of for you to get inspiration from.

Arnold leans in close to Helga as she shows her the photos. Helga blushes, but doesn't make it obvious in front of him, but in her mind...

(In her mind)
Oh, took pictures of different views in San Lorenzo just for me!
Of all the teasing and bullying and the years that have passed of us being managed to think of me. ME.
I think I'm gonna die.

You can write some haikus, possibly or any type of poetry, which reminds me of an anonymous writer that wrote this pink book I have.
I think you'd like it.

Suddenly, Helga comes back into reality.

Wait, what?
What pink book?
Where did you get it?
Is it here with you?

Arnold stares blankly at Helga as he was unprepared for the questions.

It's just a pink book filled with amazing poetry about me. I don't know, who wrote it , but I read it over and over again whenever I feel down. I can't remember how I found it, but it mysteriously ended up in my possession and it's currently at my house.

(In her mind)
He still reads my poetry.
(To Arnold)
Whoever wrote that is looney and knows that they are or they would've signed their name!
Who in there right mind would write about you?
You're so scrawny, weak, and still short.
And let's not forget...your head is the shape of a football.

Arnold holds in his anger and bitterness.

Thanks, Helga.
These photos are for you.
You should take them.

Arnold hands over the photos to Helga, who snatches them away and shoves them in her side dress pocket.

And after saying all of that about me, then why did you confess your love to me and why didn't you push me away, when we kissed back in San Lorenzo? I didn't forget.

Hey Arnold: A Dark Love Story-FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now