Ugliness & Beauty

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I'm sick of this, football head.
What's going on with you?
You're unusually silent and when you're like that... it drives me insane!
Only I get to make your life miserable. So tell me what's bugging??

A buzz from Helga and Arnold's phone distracts them.
Arnold takes out his phone first and sees Phoebe's nudes.
He instantly covers his mouth, looks away, then throws his phone off the bed.
Helga looks at Arnold in confusion until she reaches her phone and looks down at it to see Phoebe's nudes.

What the actual fuck?!
What the hell , Phoebe?
I'm calling her right now.

Helga gets off the bed and stands up. She has her phone to her ear as she waits for Pheobe to pick up, but she doesn't.
Arnold watches Helga pace back and forth.

What is going on with her? Have she lost her mind?

She's going to get expelled from school...

Arnold holds on to his knees tightly.

Doi! And her parents are going to kill her. This isn't like Phoebe at all...

Arnold gets off of his bed and walks to Helga.

Look, Helga... there's something I should really tell you.

Helga's eyes lights up.

Are you going to tell me that you love me??
Oh, Arnold, I love you, too!

Helga reaches out to Arnold for a hug , but he avoids it .

What? No. I want to tell you something regarding Phoebe.

Phoebe? Who cares about her?? Let's talk about our love for one another!
You avoided talking to me a lot today because of what happened yesterday, is that right??

Helga begins getting closer and closer to Arnold, who keeps backing away from her.

But I want to let you know that I don't think we were in the moment anymore.
I think you kissed me because you really wanted to and that you love me.

Arnold backs away to his bed that he accidentally sits on.
Helga looks down at him.

Helga! We care about Phoebe. She's in danger.

Yeah, she's in danger. Like I said, football head, her parents are gonna kill her.

You know what, why should I even bother telling you? You're so selfish.

Oh yeah?? Then you're a little shrimp that came back from San Lorenzo looking like a damn girl!
A fucking femboy.

Stop with the name calling and your language...I didn't even think you would curse.

This is the new Helga G Pataki you're talking to and we aren't 9 anymore, moron. I'm 13 and so are you, but sometimes you act like you're still a whiny and nosy little kid.
You're a loser!
A sap!
A pencil-looking shrimp!
A lopsided football head!

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