No sleep

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Helga is sitting near where Arnold is laying down.
He opens his eyes and feels his forehead.
He turns and sees Helga by his side.

What happened?

Arnold rises alertly.

Where's Gerald?

Arnold, did you forget? Gerald won't be coming back to school anymore.
He's in deep trouble, remember ?

Arnold lays back down and sighs.

And you...
Did you really have to fight Rhonda and Patty?

They were asking for it, football head.
I only regret it now because you got hurt, but don't turn all mushy on me!
I-I just...

Arnold smiles at Helga.

Don't look at me like that, criminy!
I could've taken Patty's hit.
You didn't have to shield me.

I wanna shield you from anything that may cause you pain, Helga.

Helga blushes, but doesn't show it.
Arnold slowly reaches for Helga's hand, but Helga moves her hand away.

Who said you could touch me?
You're supposed to be resting, anyways!

Arnold smirks at Helga.

How are you feeling? That punch really knocked you out.

I'm feeling okay. Thanks, Helga.
Did you check on how Phoebe is doing?

Yeah. She's not doing so good.
You know her and Gerald been together for a few years. They were really in love...


Helga and Arnold didn't make eye contact and were silent with each other until Helga spoke again.

But man... seeing Phoebe single again would suck.
Maybe... Rhonda is right. You should try going out with her. Phoebe is a nice girl and you two would fit perfectly.

Helga looks away from Arnold again.

Me?? That wouldn't sit right with Gerald.

Gerald wouldn't want Phoebe with anyone else.

I don't think Phoebe wants anyone else.
Besides, friends don't date each other's interests.
I know you're just looking out for Phoebe, but I don't like her like that.
We're just friends.

Like me and you...

Nurse Shelley walks to Arnold and Helga.

Nurse Shelley:
Okay, Mr. Shortman. You're fine to head back to your class, but Helga I really recommend you stay here and let me treat your wounds.
You're a whole mess.

Nah, I'll pass. This makes others intimidated by me.
Get what I'm saying?

Nurse Shelley:
Oh, okay, Helga.

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