Rest of the Day...

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My sixth period class is science (with Cami). And what do we have to do? DISSECT. A. WORM! Who the hell would want to dissect a worm RIGHT AFTER LUNCH?! I mean, WTF?! Anyhow, I get partnered up with this kid named Jeffery. He's okay I guess. Not punk or preppy. I guess you could say he's got that Urban look; an American Eagle regular. I have him do most of the work. Whenever I try to do anything, worm juice comes flying out at me! YUCK! Jeffery barley talks until Cami and her partner (who happens to be Jeffery's bestfriend) come over. They have us both talking. Then I notice Phil (Cami's partner) humming a familiar song while working. "Be My Escape- Swordfish?" I ask. Well more comment. I know the song all too well. He laughs kind of nervously, telling us how Jefferey and him were going to the concert. I now find them to be pretty cool.

Seventh period is with Kelly. And the teacher still regrets seating us next to each other. We talk all the time, yet we barely get in trouble (thankful for that). So while Mrs. B. is teaching the stuff Social Studies teachers teach, Kelly asks me if I've noticed anything weird going on with Tanner (if I have failed to bring it up previously in the story; Kelly and Tanner are going out). Kelly knows I talk to him all the time, so she just wants to make sure I don't know anything she doesn't. She doesn't want him keeping anything from her. I tell her that as far as I knew, nothing was going on. They are, afterall, the inseperable couple. Even though they've only been going out for like two months (opposed to years), they are the couple who will be together forever. No joke. And I haven't seen a difference, but obviouslt Kelly has. She has nothing to worry about. Afterall, she loves him, he loves her; right?

Eighth period was boring. Nothing even worth noting. But school is over now. And you're probably curious about two things; one being what happens inside my own world (which is the whole purpose of this story, right?) and the other about what has happened between me and Kaitie. With both thoughts in mind, let me start off with ME- VS- KAITIE. You see, our 'falling out' started probably in fourth grade (that was a year after I moved into this school system). In fourth grade, she stole my Smencial (those scented pencil thingies?) that was 'tropical scented' (it smelled amazing). She stole it off my desk when I went up to the board to show the class my cursive 'J'. I literally saw her take it! But the teacher didn't do anything about it. Great teacher, right? But it was the very day I knew we were destined to be enemies.

Our next problem was that summer; at the pool. I was there with Kelly (who had just moved in from Utah) and we were just talking when Kaitie strolled up in her Hollister push-up bikini (and there wasn't much to push-up; we were about to go into fifth grade). She started making fun of Kelly; everything from the way she talked to the plaid pink tankini she was wearing. Katie started making fun of me for hanging out with Kelly, for my style, and, most importantly, for my swimming suit. I had gotten that suit from a vintage type of thrift store earlier that summer; it was a one piece, orange type of halter top that I was IN LOVE with. Everyone else in our grade had complemented me on it and were all practically drooling over it. But not Katty Kaitie. Cause anything a) pre-owned and b) under $75 wasn't good enough for her. Before I say anymore of what happened, let me say; it was a really good thing Kelly was there. It would have probably turned out with one of us in the back of  a cop car (ahem- me). Back to the climax here; I gave Katie a charlie horse and she just so happened to land in the pool. And for the first time, no one believed Katie about me causing her mascara to run (from falling into a pool). That is the same day Kelly chose me as her bestfriend (cause if she really wanted, she could've been more so in the popular crowd...).

So much little stuff has happened in middle school (like the note; for example). In our school, fifth grade is part of middle school, and Katie and I were in the same art class; same table even. We were making clay pots, and she had 'accidently' splattered my stil-wet pot, and myself, in paint. She was already painting (it had already, then, been fired), so when she left to talk to the teacher, I kind of walked by it and casually pushed it off the table. The nice part; she had no proof of me or anyone else doing it. She could point all ten fingers (but then again it would probably only been the one in the middle). She didn't see me do it, and nor did anyone else. The VERY best part was when I won a ribbon at the art show for my little pot, and she didn't even have a pot herself.

Everything else can be considered little to these things. Well, besides the rumor in seventh grade. Everyone had heard it, and remebers it for that matter. She told everyone I did serious drugs. That doesn't sound that bad, but no one has looked at me the same (besides my besties, who know its not true). The worst part really was having so many people believing the rumor. That's really what killed me; and even more then when everyone was accusing not only me, but also my friends of doing drugs. Some people have stopped believing, but I know some still have the idea gnawing in the back of their minds, especially when I have to talk to them. But I can guarentee that that rumor was not true.

One thing I should probably share is my home life. I live with my mom, her husband (my step-dad), my two blood brothers (Van and Justin), and my younger step-brother (Owen). I am in a house full of males! Well, besides my mom obviously. You know all the stories with the evil step-parents? Well, my household does NOT have those problems. Not even remotely. I love my step-dad! He is the one who watches over us the most. My mom works nights at the preschool across the railroad tracks. She's a custodian. So I hang out with the bros and Charlie. Everyone in my house calls me Char and call Charlie BIG Char. Well, Owen calls him dad, so Van, Justin, Mom, and I all call him BIG Char. I should probably 'introduce' you to my household;

Mom: gave birth to me (also Van and Justin); custodian at preschool

BIG Char: my step-daddy; really cool; works at a loan agency

Van: eldest; eleventh grade, yet only sixteen years old; skater/alternative kind of guy with black hair

Justin: tenth grade; fifteen (just turned fifteen); blonde skater

Owen: step-brother; seventh grade (about to turn thirteen); 'urban'; brown hair

When you first read the ages, you would think my mom must be ancient. But she's only thirty-four. BIG Char is thirty-six. They're both still young. And my mom looks younger now then she did two years ago; with my dad. I've also never seen her happier than when she's been with BIG Char.

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