Chapter 3

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Dom and Brian arrived at the house. They got out of the Charger and walked coolly over to the door, ready to put their plan into action.

Dom knocked on the door 3 times, then stepped back.

Shortly after, Jason answered.

"Jason Stevens?"

"Depends who's asking. Who are you?"

"Are your parents home?" Dom asked.

"No. Why?"

"Good" Dom answered.

"Because you're about to pay for what you did to my daughter" Brian growled, stepping forward and pushing him into the house. Following on, Dom glanced around outside to make sure nobody was watching, and then shut the door behind them.


Ella waited nervously for her father and Uncle Dom to return. She knew they would have sorted Jason out, but owing to the fact that they'd been gone nearly 2 hours she hoped nothing had happened to them. Mia kept a close eye on her daughter, while simultaneously doing some washing.

"Mum, I'll be on the porch. I need some air" Ella said quietly to her mom, getting a nod in return. She got up from her seat she had finally taken in the kitchen and headed out the front door, leaving it open.

She sat on the swing, on which she spent many an afternoon reading to Jack. She smiled to herself recalling these events, but then brought herself back to reality. Still anxious, she raised her knees up to her chest and put her arms around them, resting her chin on her knees.

Almost out of nowhere, she heard the familiar sound of the dodge Charger which belonged to her Uncle, his pride and joy. A curse her mum calls it.

She snapped out of the daze she found herself in and stood immediately, going over to the steps, relieved to finally be reunited with her dad and her uncle after what seemed like forever.

"What happened?" Ella asked ambiguously, not wanting them to have killed Jason but wanting them to have put him in his place and hurt him enough so he knew not to mess with her again.

Dom and Brian both got out of the car and headed towards the house, Brian a little further in front of Dom, desperate to reach his child.

"He'll never be bothering you again El. It's over" Dom responded, seeing the scared look in her eyes change to relief.

Just seconds before her father reached her, Ella collapsed, Brian catching her before she hit the ground. Dom knelt in front of them both, sharing the same concern as his brother in law.

"You ok baby?" Brian enquired with a slightly worried facial expression, checking her temperature and looking at his daughter all over as a reflex, searching for something wrong.

"I'm fine Dad... Just a bit dizzy. And relieved. I hope you didn't kill him or anything..." she said softly, looking up at her father as he had his arm around her.

"Don't worry about him anymore El. And no. Just know he won't ever hurt you again, and if he is stupid enough to do so or try anything else, then he'll be taught another lesson until he learns never to mess with our family" Dom replied, giving Mia a look, who was watching the whole thing from the front door.

"I know. Thanks dad. And you Uncle Dom. I don't know what life would be like if I didn't have you guys as family" she said back, letting out a yawn.

"Come on baby, let's go inside. You should sleep this off for a while, you'll feel much better when you wake up" Brian re-joined, lifting his daughter up bridal style and carrying her into the house. He heard no complaints purely because she was already falling asleep.

Dom and Mia followed them in, Mia shutting the door behind them. Mia glanced at the clock and noticed that it was already half 5.

"The party ends about now, Jack needs to be picked up" Mia stated.

"I'll go sis" Dom said, picking up the keys to his Charger from the table.

"I'm coming too" Mia replied.

"Mi, stay here. Be with El"

"No it's fine, I'll stay with her" Brian whispered, not turning around so as not to wake up a fast asleep Ella in his arms.

"You go babe, catch up with Aiden's mum while you're there too. I know you haven't seen her in a while" he continued, placing Ella down on the couch.

"Okay. I love you" she replied before heading out of the door, Dom one step behind her. The door closed.

Brian smiled. He went and got a blanket from the spare room and was about to put it over Ella, when she suddenly whispered, eyes still closed "Stay with me Dad. Just like old times".

"Sure thing El" he responded, chuckling slightly. He gently lifted her head and sat down, letting her head rest on his lap, just as she used to when she had naps at a young age. He put the blanket over her and sat back, stroking her hair like he used to. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaning back again to admire his sleeping beauty.

"Love you Dad. Mum, Jack, Uncle Dom and Aunt Letty and the rest of the family too" Ella spoke softly, reaching up to kiss her father on the cheek and then lying back down, before dozing off into a slumber.

"I love you too baby. More than anything in the world. Nobody will hurt you now, I promise"

Ella (A Fast and Furious based story)Where stories live. Discover now