Chapter 7

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(Thought I should let you know there's a time jump here - skips right up to the time when Letty is about to pop! I promise this story has a happy ending, but for now - this chapter has some tension! Don't worry, all will work out.)

Letty had just weeks to go, which meant the baby was nearly here. The newest edition to the family. 

The gang were all off doing their own thing, while Mia, Ella and Jack were at the park. Dom and Brian were in the garage working on The Charger, while a heavily pregnant Letty stayed indoors, resting albiet quite impatient and awaiting the arrival of her's and Dom's baby. Every so often Brian or Dom would pop their heads in to check she was ok or if she needed anything, which made Letty smile through her impatience as she didn't know of any more caring people than these two guys in her life. That went for the whole gang in fact, who would each take a bullet for anyone in the team. 

Letty was on the couch with her feet up, light from the sunshine outside hitting her belly. She rested her hands on her mid section, and felt around. Earlier, the baby had suddenly kicked around ferociously, almost as if it was signalling that it was ready to come into this world. She couldn't wait for their girl to be here. 

They would call her Lily. Lily Toretto-Ortiz. 

A sudden knock on the door had startled Letty, as she was so wrapped up in her happy thoughts about their baby. She knew Dom and Brian wouldn't have heard it, so she decided to get up to answer it, despite them telling her to rest. 

She heaved herself up and went over to the door, which in itself was the biggest challenge she faced every day, the little girl inside of her growing by the hour. 

She opened it, and immediately froze. 

Shaw's brother was standing in front of her, with a gun pointed directly at her. Instinctively, her arms folded against her midsection, and slowly she stepped backwards into the house, eventually hitting the kitchen counter and knocking a couple of plates to the ground, smashing them. Little pieces landed in her already swollen feet, cutting them ever so slightly. She froze again, not knowing what her next movement could cause.

"Don't even think about screaming. I know Brian and Dom are here. Let them come to me" he growled, still pointing his gun at her face. He looked at her stomach, and scoffed. 

"You think your baby will be safe in this world?"


"Did you hear that?" Brian enquired, turning the music down.

"What?" Dom replied. "Letty?"

"I don't know. I'll go check on her, you keep working on your curse" Brian laughed, before heading into the house. 

Dom chuckled, turning the music back up. He continued working, wanting to preserve the car that had been a part of his life since he was a young boy. He wanted their little girl to be able to experience this, even though she'd never be allowed to drive it. Ever. 

Brian headed into the house. "Hey Letty just came to check up---" As soon as he entered the kitchen from the back door, he noticed Letty standing there, pale as a sheet. He stopped, when his eyes were drawn to the ground, to the broken pieces that she was standing in.

"Let, what happened? Are you ok, is it the baby?" he asked worriedly. She met his gaze, and didn't speak. Brian could see that something was wrong, she had a look in her eyes. Just as he was about to walk over to her, Shaw emerged. Brian was surprised by this, and took a step back. 

"Shaw you son of a bitch. Why are you here? What did you do to her?" Brian growled, holding his hands up when he pointed the gun at Brian, warning him not to come any closer. 

"I haven't done anything to her. Yet. She did that all by herself. As for why I'm here, I think you know why. Dom was responsible for my brother's death, and you and the rest of your little team helped to take down my entire crew. I have nothing left, and it's all down to you guys. Now, I'm going to make you pay" Shaw replied, stepping closer and closer to Letty. He eventually reached her, shoving the gun against her temple. 

Brian noticed Letty's body tremble with fear. He saw the look behind her eyes, the same one he had when Lily and Mia were almost killed. 

"Son of a bitch. Don't do it Shaw. You don't want to do it. Do you know what we'll do to you if you do? Don't fucking think about pulling the trigger. I swear to God, if you do I will kill you right here right now. And if I don't Dom will. Just like he did to your brother". 

Shaw's grip tightened on his gun, which was still pressed against Letty's temple. 

"Sorry Brian. You and the rest of your so called family tore my entire world apart when you killed my brother. Now, I'm going to ruin yours" Shaw replied aggressively, his finger tracing the trigger. 

"NO!" Brian shouted, rushing forward to tackle Shaw to the ground before he could pull the trigger. The gun was knocked from his grip, and the two of them collided with the ground. 

Letty stood here, still frozen. She was helpless, she wanted to kill Shaw as much as the next person but she was in no position to. She had a baby inside of her for christ's sake, and her emotions were in overdrive. She squealed every time Shaw landed a punch in Brian's gut. Out of nowhere, Shaw went for the gun that had been thrown to the side. Just when he was about to pull the trigger on Brian, Brian went for him again, causing another scuffle.

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out. 

The gun dropped to the ground. Letty was about to pass out. Brian was facing away from her, blocking her view of both himself and Shaw. She couldn't see who had been shot. 

Seconds later, Shaw dropped to the ground. Brian picked up the gun and aimed it at him, pressing the trigger twice more. He dropped the gun in defeat, and went over to a distraught Letty, wrapping his arms around her.

He found himself standing in a wet puddle.



Dom dropped the spanner and rushed inside, hearing the loud gunshot. Thoughts raced across his mind as he did so. 

"WHAT THE HE-- JESUS. what the hell happened here?! Oh my god. Are you guys ok?" Dom growled, noticing Shaw's body on the ground, his eyes wide open and blood everywhere. 

"Dom I'll explain later. But for right now, Letty's water just broke. Your girl is ready to come into this world, and we need to get to the hospital NOW!" 

"Get in the skyline. I'll drive." was all he could manage. He grabbed Brian's keys from the table and ran out the door, getting the car started. Brian guided Letty through the house and into the car, taking deep breaths with her and mumbling something every so often to calm her down. 

As soon as they were in the car, Dom sped off. Brian sat in the back seat with Letty, keeping her calm. Letty was panting and breathing hard, on the verge of tears. 

"Hey tough old wife of mine, don't you cry. It'll all be worth it in the end" Dom said, catching Letty's eye in the mirror. She managed a smile before getting back to managing her breathing, all the while Brian assured her she was doing great. In between all of this, Brian had managed to call everyone, including Mia, and tell them to meet them at the hospital.

Dom had no clue what had happened with that bastard back at the house, but quite frankly he did not care at this point. 

All that he had on his mind now was getting Letty to the hospital so that they could bring their baby girl into this world.

Lily Toretto-Ortiz.

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