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After weeks of tormenting Liam, he has yet to say anything about Vladimir's layer. He's only 15 years old, yet he's a hard worker.

However, we discovered that we have a mole working for Vladimir on the estate. It's only a matter of time before we find out who it is.

I was interrupted by a knock at my door. "Come- I don't even have time to finish my statement before Caterina and Valentina burst into my room panting like marathon runners.

"Woah, what the hell is going on?"I said, astonished. "You're the only one our age in the whole home, and we're bored, so let's hang out," Caterina says with a smile on her face.

Um no.

Valentina is on her phone again, oblivious to my presence; I don't believe she likes me. I mean, I'm not even a fan of myself.

"Caterina, leave my clothing alone," I  say as she enters my room and begins looking through my closet. I sigh as I approach her. "Athena, you don't have any clothing on! Let's go shopping together." She insists.

I have two pairs of sweatpants, a couple of tank shirts, and one hoodie, which I believe is enough.

"I'm good. Go with Valentina; I'm sure she'd be delighted to join you." I say sarcastically "She's busy 24/7 chatting to her uni boyfriend she's no fun," Caterina pouts causing Valentina to scoff and leave the room.

"All right, alright, as long as you leave me alone after that."I raise a brow daring her to say no "Yay!" She exclaims pulling me into a hug. "Yeah Um sorry no touching." She says sheepishly.

I put on Caterina's black tight pants and a white tank top with a leather jacket on top. I agreed to let her do my makeup because she insisted on it.

"Come on, let's go get Kenji's credit card," she says as she brings us to his office, knocking twice before entering. "Dear brother," her voice strained. "Can you tell me what you want, Caterina?" Without looking up, he says.

"I'm going shopping with a she-devil, and we'll need your credit card." He glances up, but his throat becomes dry at the sight of me; he looks me up and down, and I suddenly feel naked under his gaze.

"Well, when you're done eye-fucking her, I'd like you to give me your card brother." Caterina laughs, and I feel a rush of heat flood through my cheeks, but I don't react. Kenji clears his throat Before glaring at me.

What the fuck did I do?

"She isn't permitted to leave the property." He returns to his files "What why?" I ask  "Because you're untrustworthy?" He declares flatly. "Kiss my ass, Kenji." I scoff leaving the room.

"Athena, be patient! I got his card," Caterina says as she sprints after me. She gives a friendly smile. "Have a good day shopping." I shrug, wanting to resume my stroll.

she grabs my hand and says, "Come on, let's go, he won't notice, we won't be long." she says quietly "Isn't that going to make him mad?" I ponder. "So?" She cocked her head to the side. I grin as I say, "Let's go."

Fuck you Kenji.

We leave the estate in one of Kenji's cars, an Audi R8, and let me tell you, the guy has an excellent choice of cars. When we arrive at the mall, we immediately go to Victoria's Secrets to shop for undergarments.

I select out some lace bras and underwear, while Caterina tries to persuade me to buy thongs, but I refuse. What am I going to do with a thing?

We stop for a snack after 3 hours of shopping, and I make a mental point to never shop with Caterina again. She almost bought the entire mall, so it's no surprise that their family is wealthy.

For a time now, there's been a guy who follows us about and occasionally peeks at us; something tells me he's a terrible case. "Get up, we have to leave." I say, shaking Caterina's shoulder "Why we just sat," she whines.

"There has been a spy on us; get the fuck out of here! We need to leave!" I exclaimed, and she was on high alert, grabbed her belongings, and exiting the mall with roughly four black cars surrounding us.

Bring it on.

We got into the vehicle. Caterina pulls out two pistols and hands one to me. While the other cars are following us, I start the car and drive at full speed. "All right, listen to me out. I'll try to lose them if you shoot from outside the window." I say as I fasten my seatbelt.

"This is going to be incredible!"She claps her palm. Our Mirror is being pierced by gunfire, I do a quick U-turn, just in time for Caterina to leap out the window and begin shooting them.

We lost one car, but the other three are still with us. One of the cars is not fast enough and is attempting to hit us from the side. I steer with my thighs while shooting their tiers, causing the car to flip.


There's only one car left. "We're close to the estate," She says. As I try to bring down the last car, "Caterina grab the wheel." She follows my instructions, and I begin blasting the wheel, but it refuses to budge.

"Here it is, take it." She brings me a grande, and I exclaim, "Where the fuck did you get grande from?" "We have one in every car," She chuckles. We're right in front of the estate, and I can see Kenji and Vince both holding pistols outside. At the same time as I throw the grande, a gunshot pierces my gut.

"Woohoo, that was amazing!" Caterina exclaims as she comes to a halt at the gate. "You've been shot!" She gets out of the car to get help. I find as blood splatters across my stomach.

"What were you thinking when you went out against my orders?" Kenji asks as he opens the car door. oblivious to the fact that I'm hurt. "Ke-" I attempt to speak, but Caterina cuts me off once more.

"Goddamnit Brother, she's been shot!" While Kenji remains frozen in his spot, she assists me out of the car. I begin to feel dizzy as I fall to the ground, but I am caught by a pair of arms.

"I got you." That is all I hear before everything goes black.

" That is all I hear before everything goes black

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