The beginning

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Do you like horror movies? i know i do, my favorite is the ring where the girl comes out of the tv.
well...imagine if that really happened but not a tv a mirror, would you'd be scared? i would..
but i guess i shall say who i am, Hi! im ethan, Ethan universe and well this is my dark story let me take you where it all started shall i? 

It started around when I went to school, never really thought anything of it really, how much does an average kid yeah I had a little bit of fits now and then but it wasn't my fault, when I was born I developed some learning disabilities but that didn't stop me, is around when I finally hit fifth grade where everything in my view came clear, the kids were pretty mean to me I was never really seen as a normal kid I tried to ignore it everyday, but it gets hard ya know,I was just that kind of kid ,The kind who just wanted a friend, it was very alone until one day,

I remember that day like I remember my birthday, normally am not afraid of the dark that night, the dark was different, I remember holding on to any stuffed animal I could find thinking I'd be safe, Until I heard a slight knock but not on the door but on the mirror I remember carefully approaching it, what happens when you look in a mirror what do you say you see yourself, correct,Not what I saw I saw this figure of a boy light green light blue hair with black in it black dark abyss size I'll swallow you whole, his eyes are tripping like he was crying but it wasn't clear it was black, he wore something formal that's black jeans and black button-up shirt Isis leaves fell curled up to his elbows, he greeted me. never felt this much fear in a long time I thought, he told me that he knew I was sad, he knew I was looking for a friend he said, he could be mine but at a cost, I would have to let him in, I agreed didn't know how bad it would get for a naive child like me of almost the age of 11 may be 12, I just didn't know the warning,

in school I had a lot of anger issues, I try to stay calm and positive nearly every day for as long as I can remember, didn't really work out and I figure it out and that the figure would make it worse, hmm should really stop calling it " The figure" His name is sage, Sage Jackson, but for now let's just call him jack, He was a strange man he protects me but not in the ways someone would normally, kind of in the most hostile away, the I can hit you all I want but if someone else does I'll kill them that kind of protection well love how I met him add to take you to the present now shall I?  

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