What are dreams?

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(Song starts)
A long time ago there would be places people would call dreams, young girl always thought, that her dreams but always be filled with flowers and sun, last that girl got older she realized it things change, and sometimes they changed for the worst, Just like how people today don't understand that not everything happy can last, you see the youngest girl I always dreamed of enchanted forests, with glowing mushrooms and bright blue butterflies, which mushrooms sprouting as red as can be, and flowers blooming so beautiful it seems, little girl always saw that as her Escape, she loved going to bed at night, it was the most exciting thing that she could do after the day was over, she thought she could stay there forever when she fell asleep, she thought every single night she'd have that dream and feel amazing, but things change, see instead of enchanted forest with flowers and trees with mushrooms growing everywhere, first became darker, then things stop growing, there was no more Magic, it just seemed so empty, Everything became so much darker, and scarier,

you see things always don't stay good, sometimes things change bad, and when they do we have no control over it. it's not that we can't fix it, it's just every time we wake up now from a nightmare we're so exhausted to go back to sleep, that's the weird thing about dreams, we can't control them, we don't know what they mean, and Hell, we could I don't think nightmares would ever exist again, But we can't, some people even feel things in their dreams and that's where it gets scary, speaking scary shall I give you an example again(your dream)*Standing by lake or even an ocean you can choose, any type of deep body of water, you said it's a great day to go for a swim isn't it, but before I could even get ready you're pushed in, pushed in so deep, that the sky Fades to Black, the breath running out, you keep swimming tho, as soon as you see the light from the sun, you rush to get above water, but...You can't?"Hurts doesn't it" There's like a wall blocking you from getting air,the pain killing your head as it feels so tight,You look around seeing the figure.. "Hurts doesn't it" it keeps saying, "Make it stop!!!" you scream under the water as the pain gets worst, you hold your neck starting to black out, as you do, you wake up screaming, looking around, you are in your bed, "What the fuck" you say as your heart races and your breath is heavy, scared to move or look around, or even to go back asleep, so you decide to go get some water, that might help right?You walk to the kitchen getting the glass, strangely you look into the water, "Hurts doesn't it" you hear The glass shatters finally waking you up from an overlapping dream*

Good morning~ 
rough sleep?

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