Present day

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Well now it's September 2021, that was around 5ish years go, now I don't have Sage but I have many others we have an entire family but that's not what the story is going to be about it used to be just 4 now scroll up to 18 isn't that just fantastic I'm not alone, are this is where it gets worse 4 on 4 years I haven't been able to see my own reflection, that seeing somebody there with, the nights are no longer safe they're much more corrupted then how they were, last night the shadows in the mirror so creep up on you, try sleeping like that,
butts also the host nation that are bad see these didn't happen before, they've never had happened before, yes I can see them yes I can see the entire 18 of death and not just by the mirror no no it's to the point where I see them every day around the house doing their own fascinating thing small house for 18 people, but the night times are just worse and if I knew I'd be so scared of the night when you hear something Whispering behind you I can't breathe you feel something strange going around your neck, being threatened by someone you don't even see, I know it's crazy, But honestly our daily stuff is well we wait for everyone to Wake Up Normally it takes some a long long time but wants her out we normally already have breakfast together while try if everyone's not the fighting sometimes and then right after that everyone goes to do their own thing sounds simple right, sounds like a huge entire family, seems nice. It's a roller coaster ride here in this brain of mine, I have no idea what this is but it's there, we all have our own likes and dislikes, our own Hobbies,

But anyway this morning I didn't do anything I just went downstairs 8 breakfast and then went off my normal things just like everyone else and everyone was doing their own thing was again but today was kind of different for some reason, what was that reason, visions. and yes i mean seeing things,  
at night i was just kept getting reminded of the times i've snapped at people who didn't mean it but i thought deserved it so now my hands always look like they have blood on them,
from the countless times i've gotten violent to an extreme point, anyways off to school...


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