Him and Me

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I raced to the bathroom feeling sick, as I coughed up a black liquid into the toilet. The acidic taste burned my throat and made me want to hurl again, but instead I just leaned on the wall, trying to get rid of the awful sensation. I looked at my hands as they trembled slightly with the urge to vomit again. I threw up a black liquid causing me to panic more as I've never seen this kind of ooze from my mouth before . It was dark in the bathroom, only illuminated by my shaking hands. I turned off the water faucet and took deep breaths attempting to calm down my pounding heart. I didn't know what this shit was, or how it happened, but one thing is for sure, it wasn't good. I felt dizzy when the nausea passed, like my brain wanted to shut down, but instead I continued to breathe slowly and deeply. I heard the soft thud of footsteps coming to the door behind me. "Throwing up again." a cold voice said. I looked to see it was Nw he had that evil and cold look in his eye, I guess he must've been the one that put the vile stuff all over my face. I glared at him as the bile rose back up my throat again. He gave a cold laugh and pushed past me heading for the sink. "You're disgusting," Nw spat out as the bitter scent of bleach filled the air. He began to scrub the disgusting substance off my face with a wet cloth, which only added to my disgust. It smelled horrible and tasted even worse than what I already had in my mouth. I hated that bastard so much, I just wanted to hurt him somehow. I could hear his loud and obnoxious laugh as he left, locking the door behind him. My breathing hitched when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I hadn't noticed until now. A pair of bright red puffy eyes stared back at me, with dark bags under them. Nightwatch Was still laughing from the other room as I continued to throw up this black ooze . My stomach churned again as the contents of my gut spilled out onto the floor, as if it were trying to expel whatever I had eaten in the last few days. After throwing up again, I leaned against the side of the bathtub resting my head between my legs. My whole body was sore all over as nightwatch came in and in a cold dead voice "your so pathetic" he leaned down too my level as he grabbed my hair roughly pulling my head up to stare into my eyes. "Look what you have done!" I couldn't help my gasp as his grip on my neck tightened enough to almost break it. I knew better than to make any sudden moves, but I struggled nonetheless. My eyes met night watch's eyes as he pulled back and released my hair. His fingers touched my chin as he tilted my head downward looking me in the eyes, "you need to clean yourself up." I tried to spit out some of the disgusting black ooze I had vomited but it only caused me to gag. I closed my eyes in response. He chuckled again "you look ridiculous" he said, letting go of my face as he stood up straight once again. He walked to the door as his laughter rang out through the bathroom. "Get cleaned up" he repeated before leaving the bathroom. This time I let the tears fall freely from my eyes and silently sobbed. I didn't know why nightwatch did this to me, but he certainly enjoyed watching me suffer. I wiped my eyes and took another shaky breath calming myself down, before exiting the bathroom after turning off the light. I walked to my bed, sitting down on top of the comforter, trying to get away from everything that was happening.

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