Sadness and Comfort

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Asuna's p.o.v

'Where am I?' I thought as I could hear some noise. It sounded like someone has started a motorbike.

'This warmth...I know this warmth. I've felt it before.' I tried to open my eyes, but couldn't.

"This is going to be fun!" I heard a masculine voice as I heard the vroom voice again.

"Wait!" I then heard a feminine voice.

"Wait for me!" The yell came again. I was still trying to open my eyes but couldn't.

"What?!" I heard the male's voice again.

'Wait! I know these voices!' I thought as I paid more attention to the noises.

"Take me with you!" The girl said.

"What are you doing here?" The boy spoke now.

'Wait! Kazuto-Kun....Yukki! I remember now!' I thought.

"I hid myself in the storeroom, outside the school." Yukki explained.

'Yukki....Thank God!' I thanked God while still unconscious. I was partly conscious and was only able to listen to noises.

"Ok! Get on!" Kazuto-Kun told Yukki.

"Thanks!" She thanked him before I felt the motorbike jumping, meaning that she sat behind Kazuto-Kun.

"Ok, let's get out of here." Kazuto-Kun spoke.

Kazuto's p.o.v.

I then instantly started driving toward the exit. It was right in front of me but blocking in between, were these monsters. I accelerated the speed before looking around me. Then, I saw a clearing on the right side of the pack of these monsters. It was right beside the wall that leads to the exit door.

"Yosh!" I muttered before picking more speed and turning my bike toward that clearing on my right. The monsters turned their head toward me as I drove past them. I reached the clearing and picked more speed. If I slowed down even a little bit, these monsters will get us because the path isn't much wider. As I reached the door, a monster jumped in front of me. I narrowed my eye before lifting the front wheel of my bike in the air, all while wrapping my left arm around Asuna to prevent her from falling. When I reached near that monster, I put that wheel back on the ground, pushed that monster to the ground, and drove over it. I successfully got out of school and cheered. I then reached the road. It was fully dark now. The only light was from my bike, the Stars, the moon, and the side lamps. While driving, I looked around me and realized that this outbreak didn't only occur in school. It accused around the whole city. I gulped as I thought about my family. While driving, I looked toward Asuna who was unconscious in my hold.

Asuna's p.o.v.

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt air hitting my face and body. I adjusted my vision and realized I was leaning on Kazuto-Kun's chest, my legs hanging on the left side while he drove his motorbike. I lifted my head and looked at his bloody face. He had a serious expression on his face while he drove with incredible speed.

"Kazuto...Kun..." My voice trailed off as he turned his head to look at me. He smiled as his gaze met my gaze.

"You're awake." He said as I slightly moved. I clutched my head in my right hand as I felt intense pain.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You bumped your head really hard and fell unconscious." He explained as he looked toward the front.

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